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"Dad, you are snoring over my movie!"


"You fell asleep," Gabi giggled, "Loudly!"

"Sorry munchkin,"

"Uncle Ashton messaged you and said yes, no problem, I can be there at 6,"

"Oh good. He is gonna come and hang out with you while I hang out with Uncle Jack and Ben for a bit,"

"Will you be back before I sleep?"

"Probably not,"

"Okay, I suppose that is fine,"

I let out a laugh and she giggled, climbing ontop of me.

"Please don't tickle me,"

"Tickle you?!" I said, ticking her side, "Is that what you said?"



"No tickles,"


Her laughter filled the entire flat- it was small, so not hard, but they still bounced off every wall, crack, and surface there was.


"Okay, done,"

"Another movie?"

"Sure thing," I said, "One with songs? Cartoon?"


"I thought so. Are you getting hungry at all?"

"A bit,"

"Jam sandwich?"

I felt her nod, so I got up and made us lunch, sitting back down to eat it with the film on. As a whole, it had been a busy and loud week for her, so though it had been nice to hear her giggling while playing with Julian, I was glad to see her settled down,

We were comfortable just sitting in each other's presence for the afternoon, then I went and got ready to go out. Before Ashton came, I started cooking food for us, Gabi colouring at the table.

"Are you coming home at all tonight, dad?"

"I should be,"

"Okay. Would you like to take a cuddly toy incase you sleep at grandma and grandad's?"

"I think I will be alright, but that is very kind of you though!"

"Where are you actually going?"

"Probably just to the pub. Is that okay?"


"Awesome. Here is your food,"

I put it infront of her and got her some juice, then sat down with her; I never had much to say, but she always did. Her little mind never stopped working.

She was a pretty slow eater, so I started clearing up after I had finished; Ash arrived too, so I let him in.

"Uncle Ashtonnnnnnnnn!"

"Hello darling!"

"I am super excited,"

"Yeah? Me too?" he smiled, "Did you enjoy your food?"

"Yes. It is what Calum made!"

"That's still going huh?"

"Well, that was the last of it," I said, "Am I alright to get going? I think Jack is waiting for me outside,"

"Of course, I hope you have a great time,"

"Yeah. Have a good time, dad,"

"I will, angel, I love you,"

I kissed her cheek, and she kissed mine, then I grabbed my keys and wallet and left. Jack was in his car, so I climbed in and we drove back to my parents to get a bus. I hadn't hung out with my brothers in ages.

"How did the hospital go?"

"Oh she was fine, chatty actually. She has been in a very good mood since she got back to school with Julian,"

"That's good to hear. How about you? How is work?"

"Alright. I am hoping once I get trained, and get rid of these remaining lawyer bills, we can start living a bit nicer. I mean, thank god she is happy with a jam sandwich and some pasta,"

"You are gonna get there. Do all your mates still work there?"

"Oh yeah, they're doing great. But what about you guys?"

They had a lot more to say than me, so we chatted about their lives and had some drinks. For the first time in months, I got to shut off. Gabi was safe, and I was with my brothers.

It was really nice to get back in the loop about their lives, and we stayed for quite a while; I did feel a bit guilty I had left Ash so long, but I knew he wouldn't mind.

Once we decided to go home, they sent me off in a taxi with some cash and I made it home, letting myself in quietly.


"Heya dude. Have you had a good time?"

"Yes. Thanks. Thank you for being here,"

"We had a good time, she went to bed about an hour ago,"

"Thank you. You can crash if you want,"

"I think I had better," he said, catching me as I stumbled, "To deliver painkillers for ya,"

"I haven't had that much to drink,"

"Yeah, yeah. Come on,"

He took me to the bathroom and we brushed our teeth, then he got out clean pyjamas for me, and a then pyjamas from his own bag out for himself. I could've cried at the thought that he was already prepared to sleep the night so that I didn't have to worry.

I crawled into bed and he got me some water, then turned the lights out and got in next to me, turning over on his phone.



"You are one of the greatest gifts the universe has ever given me,"

"I love you, man. Get to sleep yeah?"

"I am so grateful," I said, holding his shoulder, "You have taught me how to be a good person, and you look after me and Gabi so well. Everyone deserves an Ashton,"

"Everyone deserves a Luke as well," he said, turning over, "You don't give yourself enough credit. I do not know how the hell you work at hospital, and come home to a kid, all while getting ready for an exam and a new part of your career,"

"I don't know either,"

"You are like superman,"

"You really think?"

"You are an amazing dad, an amazing doctor, and a really amazing friend to us all. You are not less than us like you always make out,"

I nodded, giving him a small smile.

"I know you dream big, and I know one day you are gonna get that nice house, and a nice wife, and the job you want... but you are still as clever, and kind, and just as good of a dad right now as you will be when you have all those things,"

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