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Remember ~ Jhene Aiko

It was the next morning around 9 in the am. Monte was still in a deep sleep as Ray was gone for work. Monte light snores were the only thing to be heard in the room. She was lying comfortably in his big, tall, comfy bed underneath his heavy cotton cover while her head laid on his therapeutic, memory foam pillows.

As she began to wake up from her sleep, she shuttered her eyes to gain focus. She slowly got up and stretched and yawned. Confused that Ray wasn't in the room, she called out for him. "He's probably at work", she thought. She hopped off his bed and sat in his chair. She found her clothes and put them back on. Doing so, she checked her phone to see the activity while it was on DND. She had messages from her group chat, emails, notifications and two calls and a message from her boyfriend.

Monte's boyfriend wasn't the best. He's a controlling, narcissistic man. Monte is too scared to leave because he knows too much about her and is afraid he will black ball her in some way. She sees Ray for comfort. Although Ray was gone for a while, he still showed that he cared once they got back cool. Monte had messed up her chances with being serious with Ray, but the two were still relatively close. Even though her chances were scarred, the two could not keep away from one another.

She hesitated to call him back. She debated calling back after 10 minutes of silence. She unlocked her phone and called him. She already knew what type of response she was going to get, so she braced herself.

"Hello?" He answered.


"Where are you? I called and texted you and you didn't even answer? You with some nigga?"

"Calm down. I'm over Dreamy's house,"

"I was on Dreamy's account and she was out partying! You're a fucking liar!"

"Why are you even on her page?"

"To see where the fuck you was at! I need you here!"

"I can't just be out and have some time alone?"

"Fuck, no! You can be alone at home,"

"That's not fair. You're out all the time,"

"Because I can be. I'm the man of the house, bitch and don't fucking forget it. Be on your way," he said before hanging up.

Monte sighed and took a deep breath. She was sick of his unfair dismissal and she needed a way out. She was scared to some forward and get help because she didn't wanna get hurt. Did her boyfriend know about Ray? Yes, but not really. She mentioned him once before, but that's about it. So, he's like a hidden gem. But Ray knows about him though.

She got up from the chair and grabbed her belongings. She really didn't wanna leave, but she had to. Just before leaving, she got a text from Ray.

Ray: are you staying at the house?

Monte: no. I have to go. I'll be back though.

Ray: damn you know you don't have to go you can just stay at the house

Monte: maybe some day. I will text you later.

Ray: okay and let me know what's up

Monte arrived at her apartment and went inside. There was no sign of her boyfriend when she got there and she assumed that she was safe. She took her shoes off and went to the kitchen to get some water.

She was yanked by her shirt and thrown against the counter. She hit her back on the edge of the counter and winced in pain.

"Ow!" She cried.

"You was with some nigga!"

"I was not! You didn't even have to do all that!"

"You smell like a nigga,"

"How would you know how a nigga smell like? You must be gay,"

"You're just a hoe!"

"Well just leave me alone then!"

"You don't tell me what the fuck to do! You don't even have many friends so how the fuck were you even with someone?"

"Leave me alone," she said, walking away.

"Don't walk away from me,"

"I'm going to my room,"

They lived in a two bedroom apartment. It was her boyfriend's idea, even though she wanted one.

"Go in my room,"

"No. I'm tired and I'm going to bed,"

"Later on, I want a full course meal. I'll tell you what to cook,"

"You're a grown ass man. Make your own food. I've been cooking for you for the past year. Can you do something?"

"Why when it's your job?"

"Cooking is everybody's job. It's not just a gender role. You're not handicap,"

"Bitch! What the fuck did I say?"

"I'm not doing it, today. Can you just-"

He charged at her, but she ran to her room and shut the door and locked it. He banged on the door non stop demanding her to cook. He tried to break the door down, but it didn't budge. She hid in the corner of her room dialing 911, but she never pressed "call". She just stared at the phone while enduring the harsh words of her boyfriend.

"Monte! Open the door, okay? I just wanna talk. I'm sorry. I'm sorry and I won't do it again. I'm just hungry. Come on, baby. Open up," he said.

"I'll open the door later..."

"See...see you be pissing me off! Just fucking open the door so we can resolve some things,"

"No. You're still mad,"

"I'm not mad! I'm sorry, baby girl. Pls just open up,"

After a while, things cooled down. Monte reminded in her room for the next few hours and her boyfriend left the apartment. She slowly crept out of her room and made some eggs and toast just to eat a little something. She had a huge bruise on her back and knew Ray was gonna ask about it. She went back in her room and locked the door.

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