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Dream ~ Chris Brown

Ray and Monte ended up having sex again anyways last night. The two could never seem to have a normal night. They were two different people with different minds, but they had the same feeling which was lust. Can't seem to work nothing out, but they will find a way to lust over one another and satisfy each other's needs. Monte was once again wrapped in Ray's arms as their naked bodies laid in bed, slumbering. This is why people have soul ties. Having one with many people is one thing, but having a strong soul tie with one person? That's a different story.

It was 2 pm in the evening and the music playing was still playing from his monitor. She woke up and realized she was still at his house. She checked the time and was relieved it was still early. She turned her body to Ray and was covered in his warm embrace. She crept her arm around him and caressed his back. He pulled her closer and she heard his heart beating. It was a steady heartbeat and it was soothing to her ears. He kissed her forehead and rubbed his hand all down her side.

"You feel better?" He asked.


"Montelina, I really want better for you, okay? I'm sorry for not being so understanding earlier. I didn't realize what you were going through,"

"It's fine, Ray,"

"Your back alright?"

"It's okay for right now. It'll be fine," she said, caressing his face and his beard.

"You like touching my face?"

"You're just a beautiful person,"

"You are too, mamas,"

"See, that's the type of shit that will make me fold," she giggled.

"I love hearing you laugh,"

"Just a sign that I'm in a good space for now,"

"I want you to get better. I hate seeing you in the situation,"

"And I will get better. I need it,"

"You can stay here for a while. Just until you find a place,"

"I can't. He'll get mad-"

"So? This is for your safety,"

"Well...I just have to try and sneak a few things from my place and take it here. I can't do it while he's around,"

"I can help you,"

"That will make it obvious. I'll do it,"

"Okay. I just want you to be comfortable and not go through that pain. Do you still write?"

"Yes. I keep all my copies in a box at home,"

"I wanna read one of them,"

"I'll bring one over tomorrow,"

"Okay, cool. You have true talent and you can go far with that,"

"Thank you,"

Monte phone started to ring. She looked over and saw it was her boyfriend. She hopped up and answered the phone.

"Hello?" She said.

"What you doing?"

"Nothing. Wassup?"

"I'm here at the hospital because I somehow sprained my ankle at work. I wanna see you. Come down to the emergency side,"

"Uh..." she said.

She was panicking and her anxiety went through the roof. She was about 15 minutes away from work and wouldn't make it in time.

"I can't. I'm really busy right now. I'm sorry,"

"You off at 2:30. You got time. I wanna make up for yesterday,"

"Yeah, that's cool and all, but u can't make it,"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I'm cool,"

"So come down!"

"Outta all the hospitals, you have to be at mine?"

"Because I know you'd take good care of me,"

"I'll just wait til you get home,"

"Wait, are you even here at work?"

"I am..."

"Don't lie to me. Are you here? I'm coming to find you,"

"No! You don't have to do that,"

Ray says up and frowned. He didn't like where this was going.

"Then get yo ass down here!"

"Can I please just see you when I get home?"

"...okay. I'll let you slide this time. I'll see you at home," he said and then hung up.

"What was that about?"

"He wanted to see me at work. Outta all the hospitals, he had to come to mine. Stupid bastard sprained his ankle,"


"I know right. I have to get home,"

"You sure you'll be okay?"


"You can always come back! Come right back here if shit goes too far than it already has. I mean it,"

"I will,"

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