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Unappreciated ~ Cherish

As Monte was driving home, little droplets of rain began to fall. It was going to pour down in another 30 minutes, so she had to make it quick. She got out of her car and locked it and ran to her apartment. She opened the door and locked it behind her. She quickly jogged into her room and took a minute to grab some items.

She needed extra clothes and a blanket. She was almost done getting most of her things, but she was going to put the rest in storage. She finally felt like her escape plan was working and she knew she was close. She put her items in a trash bag and tied the bag up. When she turned around, the sight wasn't so pretty.

"...What's up with all the packing?" He asked.

"I'm just going to do some laundry...what's up?"

"It's about to rain outside. Why are you doing laundry when it's raining?"

"Just a last minute thing. I'll be back though,"

"You think I'm stupid, bitch?"


"I've had my homeboy come over here and watch you pack majority of the shit in this room and not return,"

"You have spies now?"

"Yes! You're just a sneaky little bitch!"

"Well, you're abusing me and I'm tired, okay? I don't feel safe in here. You don't even love me anymore,"

"I do love you! If you would just act right, then you can feel safe!"

"I try to and you still act out! I'm scared for my life!"

"Scared for your life? I haven't made you feel that way yet! You haven't seen scared for your life yet!"

"Yes I have and I have seen it from you! I'm tired of being unhappy! I just need a break,"

"A break?"

He went over and grabbed her and dragged her into the kitchen as she was screaming. He grabbed a knife and placed it on her cheek.

"You think I'm scary? I can be even scarier!"

"Please, stop! Don't do it!"

"You think you're so think you can just replace me with a better nigga? Huh? Answer me!"

"No!" She cried.

"You better go back to wherever you was at and bring all of your stuff back, NOW!"

"I can't!"

"You heard what the fuck I said!" He said, pushing the knife into her cheek, but it didn't puncture her.


"You're just so fucking stupid and useless! I should have went with my first choice and left yo ass on the curb,"

"Can you please put the knife down?"


He slit her cheek open and tossed her on the floor. He threw the knife in the sink and kicked her in the stomach. She regretted not having Ray come with her and now she was helpless. She back up into the shelves and held her side. She curled up into a ball and cried for help.

"You made me do this! I gave you everything and this is how you repay me! You didn't have shit when I got with you! You didn't have nothing! You were just a bum ass hoe who was desperate for love! You think that nigga's gonna love you more than I ever have? You can think again!"

She slowly got up as he laughed at her at how beat up she was. She turned around and leaned on the counter.

"Now that we've established this, you're not leaving this house tonight. You will be sleeping in my room and you will be on lockdown," he said, inching closer to her. "No more outside and no more work. You will be in the don't go try and-"

Monte turned around and hit him with a pan. He was stunned for a moment and had to take a step back. He yelled and cursed in agony, holding the side of his face. She limped towards the door as her side was still hurting and her face was still bleeding. Raging footsteps came toward her. She reached the door, but was pounded in the left eye...bad.

She fell on the floor and screamed and cried. She couldn't see. He got up, went to the kitchen, in the sink to get the knife and walked back in the living room. He stood over her and frowned with a swollen face.

"This is all your fault," he said.

She kicked his legs and he ended up falling.

The knife went through his heart.

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