Betrayal. (Isamu, Senzai)

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Writer's note: I'm not very proud with how this one turned out, but I hope you guys will at least enjoy it!


He could barely speak. It felt like his chest was endlessly bleeding out. When he went to grab at the wound, he felt something missing- his heart. Without his heart, his feelings were clogging his throat and he felt like all the words from his mouth were stolen by shock. With little strength left, he managed to look up at the figure who had caused all this.

"Are you starting to have fun?"

Those words that escaped Senzai's mouth stabbed at Isamu's already bleeding wound. He couldn't believe his brother would betray him like this.

"Senzai..." Isamu started, but he was too weak. Senzai simply smiled.

"How does it feel to be backstabbed by your own brother?"

Isamu stared at the other male in confusion. He took a moment to process Senzai's question before answering. "What do you mean backstabbed...?"

"Ever since we were young, everyone always saw you as the better brother. Everyone wanted to be your friend. Everyone always praised you for your accomplishments and hardwork. And what did I get? Nothing."

"Senzai that's not-"

Senzai gritted his teeth. "Even papa loved you more. More than he could ever love me. He saw you as the perfect son. I've tried, so hard, to impress him, even going above myself but that was never enough for him. He'd always find a way to criticize me for every little thing, but he'd always ignore your flaws and praise you for the smallest things. I've grown sick of it. You took everything from me. You ruined my life."

"Senzai, I never meant to hurt you-"


A long silence follows up afterwards. With his heart missing, it wasn't long before Isamu's body would start to decay. His body got colder, his eyes got heavier and he could feel his limbs going numb. He took one more weak look at his brother, before collapsing onto the ground.

Senzai watched as Isamu's body dropped onto the wet sand. He didn't feel anything at that moment, and all he could do was stare at the lifeless corpse in front of him. He slowly crouched down to get a better look at his brother's dead body, that was until Enzukai approached behind him and put their hand on his shoulder.

"How do you feel, Senzai?"

Senzai shrugged, staring at his brother's dead body mindlessly. "I don't know, master."

"You've done it. You've let your jealousy take over you."

He's finally gone.

Those words made Senzai freeze up. Enzukai patted his shoulder. "You two were separated by fate at the very beginning. There's no need to feel bad, it's not your fault."

Before Senzai could turn around they were already gone. Senzai was left all alone with his brother's corpse, though, Enzukai's words haunted him most.

Was it really not his fault?

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