Uphill Climb. (Yasu x Isamu)

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TW // brief mentions of self harm and suicide

Writer's note: I'm not used to writing in first person, so I thought this would make a nice challenge! Nonetheless I'm very fond of how this came out!

I can slowly feel it catching up to me- my trauma. I can feel its sharp nails poking my back. I can feel its cold breath caressing my cheek. I can feel its bright eyes staring at me, and what's worse, I can't escape any of it. It follows me wherever I go, and yet, it seems like I was living in its shadow. It's an eternal part of me now.

I sat outside on the porch after another episode. Everywhere I went I could see her silhouette following me. I gripped my sleeve, pulling it up to see my self harm scars. I cut myself frequently, so they didn't phase me.

I heard a door slide open, and when I turned around I saw Isamu. His caramel brown eyes met with mine, they looked so beautiful under the moonlight. He sat next to me. I could see the concern on his face.

"Another episode, huh?" He leaned his head on his hand.

I sighed. "Yes. I swear, I feel like they get worse each time. I don't think I can handle this anymore."

"What are you suggesting?"

I pause for a second, looking down at the ground. "Maybe... I should just end it all."

Isamu was dumbstruck and I could see him leaning away from me. Maybe I had taken it too far, but I was only being honest. What purpose do I serve on this earth? If I disappeared, nobody would notice.

"Don't say that." Isamu said intensely. "The world needs you."

"No it doesn't. I've never done anything valuable for the world. I'd say the world needed me if I was some kind of superhero, but I'm not, instead I'm just addicted to my sorrows."

Isamu gently cups my cheeks, which takes me by surprise. He approached so quickly, yet didn't make a sound. Did he get close while I was talking?

"The world needs you. You've offered nothing but kindness to the world, but it seems all it's given you is pain. Though, that doesn't mean you should give up on your journey, you have so much ahead of you. If it makes you feel any better, I'm glad you're here. You make life a lot more tolerable. I... love you, Yasu."

For the first time, I could feel my cheeks going red. Isamu's words lit a small fire inside me, concealing the darkness in my soul. He leaned in, pressing his lips against mine. His warm lips only made the fire inside my heart grow. Was it happiness?

We parted, but all we could do was to stare at each silently. I broke the silence with a smile.

"As long as I'm with you, I can conquer anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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