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Emilia was at work having a busy morning. She was putting the finishing touches on an outfit that needed to be ready by tomorrow. As she was admiring it, giving it one last look her phone began to ring.

" Hi Emilia Mernes speaking how may I help you ?" She answered the phone.

" Hola Senorita Mernes , necesitamos tu ayuda con uno de los diseños es urgente." A women spoke panicking.

" envía me la dirección y voy para ya." Emilia said as they then hung up.

She immediately grabbed her purse and told her assistant that she had a fashion emergency. She exited the building and went into her car.

The gps said she would arrive in 20 minutes. Luckily the 20 minutes went by fast and she arrived to the set, it was a photoshoot.

" Senorita Mernes ven por acá por favor." The lady said to her.

The two arrived at a dressing room where Emilia spotted a familar pair of pants she did not too long ago slightly ripped.

She began to fix the pants , as she did so an all too familiar person made it into the dressing room.

" Benito ya casi está listo." The lady spoke.

Causing Emilia to look up immediately. Their eyes met instantly.

" espera yo te conozco , eres la mejor amiga de la que esta conociendo a mi hermano. Y eres la quien le tome las fotos verdad ?" Benito spoke.

Emilia nodded.

" y wow gracias por este diseño me encanta en verdad." Benito added.

" Gracias." Emilia said and softly smiled.

Suddenly her stomach growled and her cheeks instantly flushed a light shade of red due to embarrassment.

" Ah tienes hambre , mira tengo mucha comida aquí puedes comer , Emilia." He said remembering her name.

" Gracias y bueno aquí está tu pantalón." She said to him.

She sat at the table where there was plenty of options for her to choose from. She was going to say no but , she was to hungry to do so.

As she was filling up her plate Benito began to change. It was a habit for him to change in front of anybody because it was apart of his job.

Emilia gasped as she choked on her food.

" ay perdón es la costumbre." He said as he chuckled lightly.

" No no esta bien." Emilia said

She just saw Bad Bunny in his underwear.

" Benito !? Are you ready ?"

" That's my cue , nos vemos Emilia." He said making his way out of the dressing room.

Emilia sat in his dressing room trying to process everything that just happened.


Emilia had finally made it home after a long day.  All she wanted to do was eat, shower , and continue watching her show. She arrived to her shared bedroom with Carlos where she found him packing not one luggage but, two.

" um I guess hello and goodbye?" Emilia said standing with a shock expression on her face.

" Oh hi amor." He said nonchalantly

" Are you going to explain to me what's going on. You just arrived and now your packing two luggages?" She asked.

" The building process is getting serious so I'm going to have to be out there for 2-3 months." Carlos said like if it was nothing.

" And your parents know ?!" Emilia exclaimed clearly in shock.

" Obviously, you know you can count on our moms if you need anything while I'm not here." He said.

Emilia scoffed , three months was outrageous. His job was never liked this. Now he needs to be gone when they literally have a wedding to continue preparing for. Well that's if there's going to be a wedding.

No Me Quiero Casar

No Me Quiero Casar (Bad Bunny) Where stories live. Discover now