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Benito was buckled in the passenger seat as Emilia drove towards her house. She had no clue where he lived so this was there only option. He spoke and laughed to himself as she drove. What did she get herself into ?

She finally made it to her mansion and parked her car. She got out and made her way to the passenger side. She opened the door and Benito jumped making a stunned face.

" estas bien ?" She asked him.

" wow que ojos bellos tienes." Benito said looking into her eyes.

Remember Emilia he's drunk.

Suddenly his facial expression changed and in a matter of a second he puked all over her car. Emilia turned around in disgust. Why did he have to throw up in the car ?

" okay that's it let's get you out, ayúdame." She said as she began to gently pull him out.

Benito did the best he could at helping her. Luckily the lock to her home was linked to her phone. As soon as she hovered her phone over the lock it opened.

Benito immediately collapsed on the couch.  Emilia went to grab him a blanket ,pillow , and a damp towel.  When she returned he was already fast asleep , light snores escaping.

Bad Bunny was drunk and sleeping in her house. This was maybe every girls dream.

He looked so peaceful and his hair was still perfect. He was perfect ,  she thought to herself.

Emilia tienes un fiancé y boda al fin del año she also thought to herself which also snapped her out or her thoughts. 

" Goodnight Benito." She said before exiting the living room and making her way upstairs and into her room.


Benito fluttered his eyes opened and groaned at the generous amount of light that was coming in from the huge windows. He slightly jumped realizing he's never been here before. Where am I , he thought to himself.

He groaned once more holding his head as it was slightly pounding. Suddenly he heard a bunch of pots and pans fall loudly in what he assumed was the kitchen.

" shit!" He heard a feminine voice hiss.

Benito got up and made his way towards where the noise came from.  He entered the kitchen startling Emilia.

" lo siento si te levante." She apologized.

" Emilia? qué hago yo aquí?" He asked confused not remembering a thing.

" pues tomaste demasiado y te traje hasta aquí por que no podías manejar. Y los de más no se iban." Emilia replied handing him a cup of water and pain killers.

" crees que me puedo dar un baño?" He asked feeling disgusted with himself.

" si ven conmigo." She said leading him up the stairs to her room to get him some clothes.

" la casa esta muy bella." He complimented in which she thanked him.

Benito watched as she stole a shirt , underwear , and sweatpants from her fiancé's side of the closet. It was nothing too crazy it was all black. 

" Y tu novio va esta bien con todo esto?" The Puerto Rican asked.

" Bueno creo que ya después de esta somos amigos y pues el no está y ni vas estar por un buen tiempo."
She reminded herself which made her annoyed all over again.

" ah ok, eh gracias." He said

" You're welcome , there's clean towels in the cabinets. I'll be downstairs." Emilia said as he nodded.

This was something Carlos never would know or had to know.

As Benito showered she proceeded to make breakfast. She was hungry and she knew he had to be starving.

After showering Benito made sure that he left everything in order. He threw the towel into a hamper that was in the bathroom and walked out with his clothes. He made his way downstairs and into the kitchen once more.

He found Emilia by the stove making some French toast. He sat on the stool at the kitchen counter and watched her. It's weird because they've seen each other quite a few times now but , he's never really taken in what she looks like.

She wore a simple crop top which revealed her perfectly toned abs ( she was a gym girl) , she wore pajama pants , and some cute socks. Her hair was super long and looked like silk. How could someone look so good in just pajamas ?

He was brought out of his thought when she placed a plate in front of him. On his plate were French toast with some strawberries, eggs , and bacon.

Benito wasted no time in eating. He took his first bite and moaned. It was so good , like nothing he's ever tasted before.

" esto está bien rico , gracias. Diseñadora y cocinera." He spoke and she giggled.

" de nada." She said joining him with a plate also.

" and I hope I didn't say or do anything embarrassing." Benito said with a chuckle.

" Well you puked all over my car and told me I have beautiful eyes." Emilia confessed.

Benito looked up at her , their eyes meeting each others.

" Bueno dije la verdad tienes ojos bellos y por el caro lo siento mucho." Benito spoke softly.

Emilia thanked him in the same tone and looked back at her plate.


After breakfast Benito helped Emilia clean. He then called up one of the guys to pick him up.

" y como te fue cabrón?" Jan chuckled as Benito got in the car.

" Sabes que ella está comprometida." Benito clarified.

" y tu esta comprometido." Jan said turning the block.

" Bueno anyway, me hizo un desayuno. Tiene un corazón bien cabrón. Ella es super humilde, me gustan la personas humilde." He said

" Lo se." Jan laughed with a smirk.

No Me Quiero Casar

No Me Quiero Casar (Bad Bunny) Where stories live. Discover now