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It was currently 8:15 am and Jenna was laying down comfortably in her bed. After a few minutes she finally stood up and stretched her arms and legs while taking in the morning sun that was beaming through the window, she enjoyed looking at the sun early in the morning because it made her feel calm and relaxed, today however was different, she was still in shock yet happy from what happened last night because for her it was like something out of a movie scene.

+1 (321)-654-0987


Good morning

It's me Jenna

-You changed contact name to Jen 🌞-
Jen 🌞


Good morning to you as well

Hope you had a good night sleep

I had a great night sleep actually and it was mostly because of you

I have been thinking about you since I woke up

Glad to know I was the reason

You have huh?

I have, I really felt smth last night. It felt right yk?

I felt comfortable with you, I know we just met, but I feel like the universe wants me with you

Maybe I'm too sentimental

You're not being sentimental, you're

Just showing me your feelings/emotions
and that's totally fine

You are sweet, I like that about you
you're making this whole thing better
now I can't wait to see you again in person

Do you have any free time today? I'd like
to get to know you more

Yeah, I got some free time after work today

Great, would you be ok if I
stopped by your place after work then
, just to hang out for a lil bit


What's your address?

My address is 1256 W. 3300 S. Martin Dr.

Alright, thanks I guess I'll see you later

I guess so



Jenna put her phone back down in her nightstand as she sighed. She still had a few hours before she had to go to your house, but it seemed like the time was going by fast because within a couple of hours she started to get herself ready, she put on the nicest outfit she had, because she wanted to impress you so she made sure to make herself look good.

The Night We Met (G!P)Where stories live. Discover now