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You watched as Jenna packed her suitcase, your expression a mix of sadness and resignation. You knew this moment was coming, but that didn't make it any easier to deal with. You walked up to Jenna and wrapped your arms around her waist from behind, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. Jenna stopped packing for a moment and leaned back into your embrace, letting out a soft sigh. She closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the comfort and warmth of your touch.

Y/n: "How you feeling, baby?"

Your voice was soft and gentle, not wanting to upset Jenna with your emotions. You knew Jenna was probably feeling a mix of excitement and nerves about going back to Ireland to finish filming, and you didn't want to add any more stress to her already burdened plate.

Jenna: "I'm feeling a bit bittersweet, I guess, I'm excited to be going back to work and seeing everyone again, but I'm also gonna miss you"

You tightened your hold on her, your heart clenching at the note of sadness in her voice. You buried your face in her hair and inhaled deeply, committing her scent to memory.

Y/n: "I'm gonna miss you too, baby, more than you can imagine, but we'll make it work, okay? we'll call and text and FaceTime, and I'll come visit whenever I can"

Jenna nodded, her throat feeling a bit tight with emotion. She turned around in your arms and buried her face in your chest, seeking comfort in your embrace.

Jenna: "But it won't be the same as having you with me, I'm gonna miss holding you, and kissing you, and falling asleep next to you every night"

Y/n: "I know, baby, I know, it's gonna be hard, and we're gonna have tough days, but we'll get through it, okay? we'll stay connected, and we'll make the most of the time we do have together"

Jenna nodded again, her body feeling a bit shaky with emotion. She knew you were right, and that you would both find ways to stay connected while you were apart. But it still didn't make the thought of leaving you feel any less painful.

Jenna: "I guess it won't be that long, right? I mean, we've got some more episodes to film, and then I'll be back in L.A."

You forced a smile, trying to sound optimistic for Jenna's sake. But the thought of being away from her for that long was already making your heart ache.

Y/n: "Yeah, it's not that long and you'll be busy filming, so the time will fly by before you know it"

Jenna nodded, her grip on your shirt tightening. She knew you would make it through this separation, but the thought of it was still making her feel a bit panicky. She buried her face deeper into your chest, her voice becoming a bit choked.

Jenna: "Promise me that nothing will change while I'm gone, okay? promise me that you'll still love me"

Your heart broke at the desperation in Jenna's voice. You pulled her even closer, your own throat feeling tight with emotion. You pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, your voice filled with tenderness and love.

Y/n: "Baby, nothing could ever change the way I feel about you, nothing, you're a part of me, and I'll love you until the day I die, I promise you that"

Jenna let out a shaky sigh, her body relaxing just a bit at your reassurance. She knew she was being a bit insecure and needy, but she couldn't help it. She had always been a bit insecure about her relationships, and the thought of being away from you for so long was bringing up all of her fears and doubts.

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