breathing blue

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I opened my eyes and  i realised the fire had seem to vanish, the door was open and the girl ran outside but the most mysterious thing was the old man, who had now turned into a handsome young boy who seemed to be around the same age as i was and surprisingly his face seemed similar as if i knew him but couldn't seem to exactly remember him, my thoughts were intrigued by his loud voice....."DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU JUST DID?" he said but i was just too shocked to even utter a single word so i just stood there "What!? are you just gonna stand there like a statue ANSWER ME!? why did u do that??" and he came more close to me, there was this weird silence between us and i broke it by saying "WHO ARE YOU!!" and he just avoided eye contact "What do you mean!?" he said acting as if there was nothing wrong, he looked here and there and i grabbed him by the collar and went very close to him "What are you? a vampire?" i said as i couldn't believe my eyes and he looked disgusted "excuse me do i look like a blood sucking mosquito?? that is afraid of sun, bruh!" he said "then a werewolf?" "how dare u compare me with that stray animal ew like is this some twilight going on!?" he replied "then um...a zombie!?" "WHAT ON EARTH women im not some brainless creature going around like dead, look at me im still young and handsome and fragile like glass!! im not old like you" he said as he walked near the half burnt window "DID YOU JUST CALL ME OLD!? HOW DARE YOU!!??" "so you just heard the old part like seriously!?" "SO WHAT R U AN ALIEN!?" "you know what this keeps getting worse!!" "SO WHAT ARE YOU!" "A DEMON, YOU CAN ALSO REFER TO ME AS A DEVIL IF YOU'D LIKE!!" and my eyes widened "Ok is this some prank where are the cameras lemme say hel-" before i could finish he came to me at the speed of light from when he was standing before, standing few cm apart from my face and our forehead almost touched and we both felt that pain again but nothing happened this time like before just some sharp pain which only lasted for about 5 seconds, his eyes were in the purest form of red and he looked straight into mine but in just a moment he became normal and walked back, he looked like a baby who's favourite toy had been stolen from him "MY POWERS!!" "NOOOO NOOO NOO NOOOOOOO THIS CANT BE HAPPENING Y-Y-YOU TOOK HALF OF THEM!!!" he said and i standing there clueless just pointed my finger towards myself making sure he said that to me "WHO ELSE DO YOU THINK IS HERE EXCEPT YOU, ME AND JUST 245 SOULS!!" he said that very casually "WHAT!!???? WHAT- OH MY GOD I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO!!" i screamed "Y-Y-YOU TOOK MY POWERS!!" He said and i shrugged "So??" i said "WHAT DO U MEAN "SO" IM A DEMON I AM NOTHING WITHOUT MY POWERS!!" he said "Oh c'mon you're a DEMON u can do anything just take your powers back from me how hard is that duh!!" i said "DO U THINK IM AS DUMB AS YOU HUMANS!?" he said in disbelief "Hey how dare you!!" i said but he didn't seemed to care "so......what do we do now??" i said "I have to take them back from you and immediately grabbed my wrist and what i saw next made me go ballistic



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