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"Pack your stuff!" he said "EXCUSE ME??" i replied "u r moving in with me!!" he said casually walking around my hall as if he was exploring the place

Rose's POV

"who do you think u r bossing around??" i said as i scoffed "well we made a deal!!" he said "W-w-what deal?" i said and again he came as close to me as possible, held me by the waist and leaned in....for some reason i was ready to kiss him but he just went straight near me ears "do u want me to take you where i took you yesterday? and trust me if we go there once more....i wont hesitate to drop you and dont worry about my powers i'll get it anyway if you die!!" he whispered in the calmest yet the raspiest voice i ever heard and leaned in more close making sure his lips touched my earlobe and his head touching my skin, tbh what he said was scary but i couldn't care less......i almost melted at his touch and his deep voice sent chills down my spine and for a fact my knees were going sore and my body was not supporting me either.....and i was solely depending on him holding my waist and my body leaning over his......but to my concern he picked me up and whispered again "since you dont reply lemme take u there, lets go shall we!" and at this point i was absolutely not in a position to answer back or argue so i just said "n-no plz s-stop" and this time i did not stutter out of fear "GOOD then pack you stuff and we'll leave tonight!!" and with the he put me down and moved a little away and i tried to balance my body and shook myself to reality "But i have work tomorrow!" i said clearing my throat trying to calm myself down "no u dont actually its weekend so we're go" he said trying to push me and i did go......WHYYYYYY was it out of fear or was it........NOOOO ABSOLUTELY NOT ITS JUST FEAR AHH WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO


It was around 1:30 AM when i reached his place and honestly it was humongous like it was a whole damn mansion and lemme remind you property in Seoul is really really expensive "You live here all by yourself??" i asked and he nodded "come i'll show you your room...."he said and led me to a bedroom twice the size of my original one "make yourself comfortable ok my room is right next to yours so if u need anything dont come there alright" he said and was about to leave when he turned back and gave me a piece of paper "here its my phone number but dont ring  on it alright and um since its late and u must be tired.....wait no actually what i mean is i am tired so uhm i- uhh i will give you a tour of this place tomorrow.....u can sleep now or do whatever u want i dont care" and then left and i just chuckled at his behavior i think it was his first time being nice to someone 



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