Chapter 1

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Henry was on his bed, Looking up at the roof of his room, partly crying and angry.

This morning, he had broken up with his long distance Girlfriend because it turned out that she was Cheating on him, before he found out he actually liked guys instead after the break up.

Henry Was not doing well, all he knows that everyone in this town isn't really supportive of the LGBT, he had never met a Never gay guy before In town because they were dragged away from this town.

But his only fun out of this town, is killing off the residents, mainly the ones who make mean comments about different communities and religions(Remember kids, respect everyone's Religion, we do not like Haters here).

Henry than got up and went to the bathroom, he had to brush his teeth since it's the middle of the night now, As Henry got his toothbrush and toothpaste and he turn the sink on and started to brush his teeth.

As Henry brushed his teeth, he started to think, why did his now ex girlfriend cheat on him, why was he having Feelings for guys now and not the time when Emily asked him out, why did he trust her, he knew there was something weird about her behavior when she asked if he was okay about people cheating(that he answered with That he isn't okay with it but if they had a reason to cheat(like ab#se or issues) than he was okay) but he ignored the red flags after it.

As Henry finished, he washed his face and looked into the mirror, he looked like a mess.

Henry started to get pissed off at himself for ignoring the red flags, like when she asked for money a lot, going out with friends after promising to not drink while out(He has a issue with alcoholic people) but than coming home drunk as hell and having to have Sex every single day like she was just using his body for it every day.

Before he knew it, he had punched the Mirror, hard multiple times, there was shards of Glass deep into his skin, with blood dripping down his fist, he could barely open his hand, but he just laughed it off a bit before going to go get a so clippers to get the glass out of his skin and some rubbing alcohol to clean the wounds and bandage it up.

He got the clippers(I forgot what the fuck they were actually called) sat down on his bed and started to pull the glass out, Whimpering and/or moaning a bit every now and than at each pull with a Sting of pain, he found it pleasurable.

He opened the right night stand, pulled out rubber alcohol and started to clean the wounds, he whines a bit because of how it stings.

After a bit, he put the bandages on, and went to go get a Broom to clean up the mess of bloody glass on the floor of the bathroom.

But now he will have to get a new mirror, great but he will do it next week, because he is getting his next paid check, next week.

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Hello! Hope you enjoying the first chapter! Sorry if it ain't long:)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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Book 1 - Mirrors: The handsome boy in the mirror - original?(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now