Chapter 26: 57th Recon Mission Pt. 2

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The scouts had stopped near a small group of trees for the time being. Reiner was busy patching up Armin after his tumble while Jean continuously whistled, hoping to draw his horse that had run off.

Reiner: Your gear looks older than the commandant. Where'd they get this?

Armin: It came off like it was supposed to so it wasn't damaged. Don't worry about it.

Reiner: If you say so. Our situation isn't ideal though. We're down a horse and by the look of things, it's not going to come back any time soon.

Eren: We cant move on until Jean's horse comes back, so I'd say we're stuck here for now.

Jean(in mind): Just my luck. Reiner's horse came back like an old lover, so why'd mine have to go awol? Dammit!

While Jean continued to whistle for his horse, Eren served as the lookout. He was constantly surveying the surrounding area to make sure that no Titans tried to sneak up on them.

Eren: We cant afford to stay out in the open like this. If Jean's horse doesn't show up soon then one of us will have to stay behind.

Jean: You want us to draw straws or are you volunteering? Armin's hurt and Reiner is too big to ride with safely. No offense.

Reiner: None taken, and I agree with you. If push comes to shove, I can stay behind.

Eren: No. You're the strongest one here. The scouts need you. Armin is brilliant and they could use his intelligence. Jean and I are both above average in terms of intelligence and strength, so it has to be one of us.

Jean: Why the hell are you lumping me into this?

Eren: You heard Commander Erwin at the recruitment ceremony, right? He said most if not all of us would die within four years.

Jean: Yeah, but I didn't think it would be on our first mission. This is crazy. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Armin: Hold on. We may not have to leave anyone behind after all. If the regiment kept to the formation, the third squad of row four should be near us. If we fire a flare then chances are they'll respond. 

Without a second thought, Eren reached into his saddle bag and loaded a purple canister into his flare gun.


A column of purple smoke shot into the sky as Eren put the gun away.

Eren: If squad three is close by, what do you think the chances are they'll have an extra horse with them?

Armin: Highly likely. Each squad aside from the special operations squad and the section squads should have at least one extra horse with them.

Jean: Hell yeah! Someone responded, and they've got two horses in tow. Look!

Everyone looked where Jean pointed. Krista was heading their way with a pillar of purple smoke behind her.

Krista: Hey guys! You alright?

Jean: I'm just glad you found my horse. We encountered a Titan and he just ran off leaving me stranded here.

Krista: He ran to me like the devil was on his tail—poor thing. Wait, Armin what happened? Your head is all bandaged up.

Armin: Just a little tumble. Nothing to worry about.

Reiner: We're all in your debt. Not many would've risked it to make the trip over here.

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