Suspended - Chapter 26

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A/N I know I said I was going back to daily uploads but I've been away with no reception and now I'm sick. Fun! I'll try and get parts out but idk how often until I get better. Sorryyyy!

Tim's POV
When we got home Lucy went straight to the guest room, knowing our room would have detectives. I'm about to follow after her when Grey stops me.

"There's no easy way to say this but she needs to be suspended until we can confirm it was self-defence," Grey tells me.
"I know. It's probably best too." I nod.

I know Grey has questions but I don't want to answer them right now so I go into the guest room where Lucy is curled up under the covers, quietly crying.

"I was pregnant." Lucy sniffles.
"I know Luce," I say sadly as I  climb into the bed with her.
"Do you hate me?" She asks, voice broken.
"Never sweetie. I could never hate you." I frown.
"Vow?" Lucy whispers.
"Vow," I say sternly but somehow simultaneously softly.

Lucy curls into me and I wrap my arms around her. She falls asleep quickly but I just lay there listening to the chatter and noises from where our friends are looking over the scene. God knows how long there is a gentle knock on the door. I quietly remove myself from Lucy and open the door to see Angela. She doesn't say anything yet, she just hugs me. After a moment she finally says something.

"I'm so sorry. You guys don't deserve any of this." Angela sniffles.
"I know." I pause for a moment. "Can you prove it was self-defence?" I ask.
"That's what else I wanted. Do you have a camera in the living room and kitchen?" Angela asks.
"Yeah. Do you need to footage?" I say.
"It would help clear everything up faster." Angela nods.

I grab my phone and email Angela the video footage from our cameras.

"I don't want to see that shit. I can't watch it." I tell her sadly.
"We will be out of your hair but first we need Lucy's gun and badge." She says with a frown.

I nod sadly, go to our room and open the gun safe. I grab Lucy's gun and badge and hand it over.

"I'm going to look after Tamara tonight," Angela tells me.

I frown for a second but figure it's for the best. I finally nod and say my goodbyes and head to the kitchen which has a big blood spot. I sigh and grab the cleaning materials and start scrubbing the kitchen from top to bottom. Once I finish I flop onto the couch and turn on the game which is now on from how late it is.

20 minutes later my attention is grabbed by light footsteps. Lucy joins me on the couch and curls into me.

"How do you feel?" I ask her.
"Hurts." Lucy frowns.
"Can I get you anything?" I ask.
"Phone? I'm going to make an extra appointment with my therapist because I'm going to need it." Lucy tells me.

I nod, grab my phone from the coffee table and hand it over. I listen to Lucy make the call but don't show any signs of listening. She eventually puts the phone back on the coffee table and curls into me closer. I look down and see Lucy's eyes fluttering shut.

"Tired?" I ask, knowing it's at least 9 now.
"Mm." She hums.
"How about we go to bed?" I ask.
"Mhm." Lucy hums again. "Guest room." She adds quietly.

I turn the TV off, lift Lucy and carry her to bed where we cuddle up together.

Lucy's POV
In the morning I'm somehow still exhausted even though it feels like all I've done for the last 24 hours is sleep. I check the time and I see it's already 9. I made an appointment with Claudia my therapist at 10 so I know I need to start getting ready. I can't bring myself to go in our room so I nudge Tim.

"What's up?" He asks sleepily.
"Can you get me some clothes and my shower stuff? I don't want to go in our room." I whisper.

He nods, kisses me on the forehead and crawls out of bed still half asleep. A minute later he returns with some comfy clothes and everything I need for my shower. The morning is slow but fast. If that makes sense. Finally, 10 rolls around and Claudia calls for me.

"Come with me?" I ask Tim quietly.
"Of course." He nods.

We all head to the room and get comfy.

"I know you like me being straight up so what's happened?" Claudia asks once settled.
"Lots. Murray busted out of prison, showed up tried to touch me then kneed me in the stomach. I killed him. I lost a baby." I say, tears running down my cheeks.

Tim notices and he pulls me closer to him. Holding me tight.

"We have a lot to work through." My therapist says.

For 3 hours we go through the day and my trauma. Eventually, it really hits me.

"He's dead," I whisper.
"He is." Claudia nods.
"He's gone. Forever." I say.
"Forever." Tim agrees.
"I... I don't know what to say. He's dead. He's gone. He can never bother me again or hurt me again." I say, honestly relieved.
"Correct," Claudia tells me.

I start sobbing in relief.

He's gone.

He's dead.

He can never touch me again.

I'm free.

A/N I dunno if I like this part but oh well.

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