Tamara - Chapter 16

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A/N 1 Someone gave me this idea and I loved it, so here it is! Hope you enjoyyyy!

A/N 2 SO... We have a slight issue. My dad and his girlfriend have covid and tested positive while we were there, and I was around them a bunch so I possibly have it. If I do I will most likely slack off but I'm going to try to write enough chapters to keep up posting if I do get covid.

Tim's POV
Today's the first shift after the rookie graduated so I'm riding alone. It's a pretty normal day. I had two felonies, some citations and a few misdemeanours. I'm about to head to lunch when I get a call for a noise complaint. I respond showing me en route and I speed up.

When I arrive there is screaming from what sounds like a male and female adult. I rush up to the door and knock on the door. The screaming continues and just as I'm about to knock again the door opens revealing a small girl about 5.

"Hey, sweetie. Is everything ok here?" I ask her gently.
"Daddy is mad at Mummy." The little girl whispers, tears running down her face.
"Can you please sit right outside? Don't go anywhere, I'll try to get mummy and daddy to calm down." I tell her.
"Ok." She nods.

I quickly go in my gun in hand. I head to the kitchen to reveal a man and woman in about their thirties screaming at each other. Just as I'm about to ask them what's going on the man reaches out and slaps the woman who just punches back.


They both jump, put their hands up and turn to me. I notice both of their eyes are red and their pupils dilated.

"Are either of you under the influence of drugs?" I ask.
"No.." They both respond.

I roll my eyes and direct them to put their hands on the wall. When I pat them down I find drugs on both of them. I arrest them both for drug usage and child endangerment. I bring them both outside and put them in the back of the shop. I head back over to the kid who looks scared.

"I need to bring you into the station," I tell her.
"I didn't do anything bad!" The girl cries.
"You're not getting arrested, kid. But I can't leave you here alone." I tell her.
"I don't wanna go!" She frowns.
"I'm sorry. Have you ever rode in the front of a police car?" I ask.
"No." She sniffles.
"Well if you come with me to my station you will get to." I smile.
"Ok. You promise you're not a bad guy?" She asks as she stands up.
"I promise." I nod.

I help the kid into the car and she is already excited to be riding in the shop.

"What's your name kid?" I ask her.
"Don't answer that Tamara!" The mother from the back answers.
"Is it Tamara?" I ask the little girl.
"Yeah. What's your first name, Mr Bradford?" Tamara asks, having seen his name tag.
"Tim." I smile over to the girl.

When I arrive at the station I get someone to process the parents and I decide to take Tamara over to Lucy.

"Where are we going?" Tamara asks as she grips my hand.
"You're going to get to meet my wife." I smile.
"You have a wife?" Tamara asks.
"Yeah," I say proudly.

We get to Lucy's desk and Tamara jumps into the chair next to Lucy making her jump.

"Hey, Mrs Bradford!" Tamara smiles.
"This is Tamara," I tell Lucy.
"Well Tamara, my name is Lucy. Now Timothy, why is there a child with you?" Lucy asks.
"Her parents got arrested. So I need you to stay with her while I call CPS." I answer.
"No." Tamara pouts.
"Why sweetie?" Lucy asks.
"The people you arrested were my foster parents. I will just get moved to a worse home." The little girl says, tears welling in her eyes.
"I'll see what I can do but I still have to call them," I tell the sad little girl.

Tamara sadly nods and it breaks my heart when she casually climbs into Lucy's lap and curls into her chest.

Lucy's POV
By the time Tim returns, Tamara is fast asleep in my lap. I'm guessing Angela is following Tim to be nosy but when she sees the small girl cuddling up with me I can see her heart melting, just like mine did.

"That's so cute," Angela whispers.
"She's so precious." I smile softly.
"The caseworker is going to be here soon. You gotta wake her." Tim tells me.

I chuckle and gently tap Tamara.

"Hey sweetie, you gotta wake up," I tell her softly.
"Mgh," Tamara grumbles, making the three of us chuckle.
"You know if you can get up for me I can get you a super special treat?" I ask her in a quiet voice.

That gets her attention and she jumps from my lap, grinning. I open my candy jar, pull a lollipop from it, unwrap it and finally hand it over.

"Thank you!" She smiles, shoving the treat in her mouth.

10 minutes later Tamara's case worker is walking over.

"Hey, Tamara." She sighs and I already dislike her.
"I'm Roxy, Tamara's case worker," Roxy tells me, holding her hand out for us to shake.
"Detective Bradford." I nod.
"Officer Bradford," Tim states holding his hand out.
"I'm guessing married?" Roxy asks.
"Sadly," I smirk.
"Why is it sad?" Tamara asks.
"I was joking kiddo, don't worry." I smile.

We head to an interrogation room and Roxy gets everything ready.

"So, Tamara. What did you do now?" Roxy sighs.
"I did nothing!" Tamara frowns.
"Mhm. You are lucky I think I have a home for you." The caseworker rolls her eyes.
"I don't want another home! Can't I go home with Mr and Mrs Bradford?" Tamara whines.

That question shocks me. And as much as I hate to admit I already have become quite attached to the small 5-year-old.

"I'm sure they have their own kids to look after." Roxy shrugs.
"Can you give Luce and I a second to talk?" Tim asks.
"About taking in Tamara?" Roxy asks.
"Yeah." Tim nods, making me grin.

Roxy nods and Tim and I step into the observation room.

"Can we? I love her already, she's so smart and adorable. We said we wanted kids and this is just ideal. Why bring a biological kid into the world when there is an adorable little girl who needs a home." I tell Tim.
"Luce, I'm not against adoption but I want a kid that's half you and half me," Tim says.
"We can always have one half me half you in the future. Tim please, it's horrible how that little girl is thrown about in the system. Also, this is an opportunity to save her from ending up on the streets." I tell him.

I give him a second to think and then he smiles at me.

"Let's do it." He tells me.

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