Welcome To The Limit knights: Rosario knight

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Chapter 4:"what the hell you think your doing, w-wait another relative."

~Training Day 1~

~Waking up at 4:00 a.m wasn't part of my fairytale agenda but like all schools I have certain things I need to be done so I can move to the next or rank up in my case as you don't know this school has a ranking system there "AA,SS,XX,X-RATED" me being a limit knight I'm automatically a SS rank but in order for me to be more I gotta beat C2~

"Knowing cam that shits never gonna happen, like seriously what's the dudes problem with me all I did was fight C2."
"Ow what the hell."
"HEY!! what were your going you little piece of...
"Oh crap Speaking of the so called bad ass."
"Stop that's enough cam."
"Your lucky my women is holding me back or I would have fucked you up by now."

~Stand up don't let him insult you stand up Rosario stop being a coward and fight back. With that I did what every Bullied kid would I threw a rock at him and you can best believe he was pissed~

"HEY!! Ok now you've done it, you wanna fight peep squeak let's dance."

~He pulls a giant fucking sword how in the hell am I supposed to combat that he swung at me and I didn't see it coming and he cut me across my face cutting my eye~

"GAAAHHH!!! AAAHHH!!! It hurts."
"Stand up im just getting started haha."

~I stood up and that's when he ran full speed and pierced me dead in my chest
I fell not able to hear anything at that moment something in me click saying KILL KILL KILL KILL! I had no choice I took its power pulling the sword out my chest the crowd was starring at me different my eyes had no pupils I lunged at cam and slicing him but people were surprised that in my one slice i crippled him~

"HEHEHEHE! How does the pain feel cam, it hurts doesn't it."
"You bastard y-y-you'll pay for t-t-this....."

~Can was knocked out I dropped the sword and my eyes returned to normal all I see vaguely is a dude in read come next to me and I see C2~

"Cam<cries>Cam<cries>CAAAMM! Who did this, oh it was him you bitch I'll kill you."

~I fall asleep not knowing what happened after I hurt cam I guess you can say that was my first battle~

~The day ends~

~The next day~

"Ugh what happened to me ow what the oh yeah the cut."
"Yo are you ok you spoiled little weakling."
"Wow that's painful to say for a guy I just meet."
"You dummy grandma didn't tell you about your little brother. Well let me shed some light on this im Kokizawa Rosario yup I'm your brother
"No not again damnit."

~As I thought another relative to throw a monkey wrench in my life after all this happened am I classified as normal no I'm far from it im insane with that little note I go back to sleep~

~3 months later~

"Hey Kokizawa."
"Your late here your coffee ok let me introduce myself officially I'm Kokizawa Rosario knight of squad 4 my nickname is the "Bloody Rose" and you are?"
"I-I'm Aiden Rosario I'm a SS rank limit knight part of the kill squad squad 14, as for my nickname it's the "Surge Thief" there that's enough with formality."
"Well looks like you do have common sense, so I don't have to buy you a dictionary for Christmas that saves me the burden."
"Well thanks I guess common let's meet the others and here."

~He tossed me a sword with my name on it like it was made for me~

"If your wondering yes that sword was mad for you Duh."
"Thanks Kokizawa."
"No problem bro just use that thing wisely it's dangerous in your hands."
"I'll try my best."

~We walk in a little training Field with C2 glaring at me and non other then cams hot head ass next to her at this rate we won't ever be good friends cam struggles to walk to me and he holds out his hand and I shake it he whispers~

"Hey let's just let bygones be bygones ok."
"Yea sure."

~He tightened his grip to make his next sentence clear~

"You ever touch C2 I will kill you without hesitation got it."

~I wasn't intimidated by him I looked up at him he had a scared face~

"What's wrong are you ok, also I read you loud and clear matter of fact I hear you crystal clean."

~I thought I was just agreeing to his terms but no the look he gave me was the look as if he has seen a killer~

~I didn't pay to much attention to the damn thing he was the least of my worries after our little fight but I realized I earned cams respect but I think he's still out to get me so I'm not letting my guard down~

"Ok everyone nice to meet all the future legendary Knights that will rise to the task of defeating as we all well know Mal or itachi Namurama he's made a little plan to visit sendoka city but he isn't coming for a stroll in the park he's been labeled hostile and he's a shadow dang so be on your guard, also one more thing he's an X-Rated knight so if your chicken don't come for the fight tomorrow that is all this is your Squad captain Kokizawa Rosario DISMISS!

~Not to burst my own bubble but my little bro has more balls then any knight in here but I know he's scared to be a commander always in the hot seat every day well I give my lil bro props for being a true knight dad and grandpa would be proud~

"Man today debriefing was long and tiresome."
"Hey you don't think tomorrow your out of boiling water just make sure you watch your back cause Mal isn't the only thing you need to worry about."

~When she said that I froze not only would Mal try to kill me but my own Senpai too this is it in gonna die here so I said what I could to scare her I looked at her with the killer face I gave cam~

"You or cam come near me and it's lights out for both of you."

~I only did it to scare her but I think it worked to well she was mortified at my face then anything I kept wondering why are all these people scared of my face when I look at them seriously~

"Well no need to cry over spilled milk."

~I got some sleep to be honest I wasn't prepared to meet a criminal like itachi Namurama but i must do what I can to kill him an being peace~

~The Day Ends~

~The Next Day~

~we wake up and meet in the Courtyard we ready up and we set out to find itachi Namurama~

~Lets just hope I leave here alive which I doubt is gonna happen~

"Hey big bro."
"Welcome to the damn limit Knights."

~I smiled on the outside but In the inside I just wanted to get this over with so I can become a X-Rated and take care of that new girl once and for all~

"C2 and Cam call this a temporary truce hehehe."

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