Its Now or Never: Fight back Rosario

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Chapter 1: "Don't underestimate me I am the mighty Rosario here my shout".

Before we start this little story maybe we should go back to when I was born back on August 7, 1983.
Now may think why was I born so early well this is my past life we'll get to me in a minute, my grand fathers name was Tricky the reason why is cause back when he robbed gas stations he was always "Tricky" to catch.
I laugh every time I tell this side of my story cause my friends make fun of how I was technically a thief, but that hardly bothers me. Well that's enough of that let's go more into the future about 300 years so August 7, 2183.

Now that's an odd number I'm sure it its the year the legacy of my family it's the day of my fathers birthday battle, it's sad to remember but my father lost but died swinging his last slash.
My memory after that has been shot cause that same day 14 hours later I was born so basically that's my family tree a short battle caused me to be the laughing stock of my century.

Now we're back to my time June 15, 2195 yea that's a short time from my fathers time then again he only lived to age 50 so it's really not.

~a stack of books fall on the desk~

"Maybe if you stop day dreaming you could get your homework done Mr.Rosario or as we say Aiden, yup there she goes again grilling me.
Mr.Aiden I'd like to see u after class no exceptions just make sure you stay.

~Everyone laughs and the bell rings~

"So you wanted to see me Mrs.Mary" "yes from now on I need you to stay for the Fantasy club and you have to cause your grades in this class could use a boost."

~I make my way to the Fantasy club~

I walked in and I was pinned to the wall,"wait what's happening" Aww common Aiden fight back you know you want too use your fathers ring he gave you."

~punched in the stomach~

"That's it GAAAHHH!! You'll pay for you arrogance." As you can tell this was my first power surge fight I'll tell you about them later.

~both boys fly back and I grab this mysterious guy~

"Yes let all your rage out kill me and get you revenge for your father."
"Who the hell are you and what do you know about my father and how do you of all people know my name."

~he fades away saying the quote when you become a knight come and fight me for real~

"I'm confused about weather or not to find him or give up what am I doing here, oh right that club."

~opens the door reading Fantasy/MMO room 101~

I walk in and see a girl reading, "Hey who are you?" "I-I'm Liana and who are you?" "I'm Aiden."

~she goes back to reading and Aiden looks at her weirdly~

I don't know who this mysterious girl is but I have a feeling she's not normal.

~the Day comes to a close~

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