It Seems Im Not The Only One With Upgrades!

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Chapter 5:"I'll always love you, even if it kills me!"

~That Same Day~

"Hey Liana what's with this new you well you know armor?"
"Well if I'm gonna have your back I might as well do it in style."
"Um ok."

~If only we knew what happened that day we were put in battle cause it's a day I won't forget~

~Later That Day~

"Aiden leave it we can't help it now it's gone for good, report report we have a rank SS down repeat we have a rank SS down!"
"Yea I knew this would happened BASTARD YOU DESERVE THIS PAIN HAHAHA!"


"You think we need you your just a liability."


"I hope this teaches you a lesson about messing with the mighty Tin hahaha."

~KILL KILL KILL!!! That's when I snapped again~

"You are dying here and now!"
"Awe what you gonna do wea...."

~Before he could finish his sentence I looked up and his throat was slit I didn't feel bad I stood up looked at his neck and it had the mark of the shadow fang Knights after that I collapsed I didn't want to live after what happened today~

~Earlier That Day~

"Ok guys you better come out alive if you don't my head is on the chopping block just kidding I wouldn't be able to live with myself so do me favor and kill these people cause they plan to off you got it."
"Yes sir."
"Got it."

~We all get into positions for the ambush~

"What's wrong bro you look worried."
"Not to scare you Aiden but squad 6 should have attacked by now and isn't that the squad Lianas in?"

~I took off running slicing down every man in my way they had no chance I wasn't in kill mode but I did strike fear in my enemies eyes I looked back nothing was left but corpses I was suddenly choke slammed and that's when I meet him~

"I-it's you m-Mal...I'll kill if Liana is hurt."
"Aww your little girly girl is probably dead cause I sent Cc after her or as you know her as Ciranea she wiped the floor with squad 6 sadly my team was killed so I'm forced to come out but I have to regroup and for listening I'll let you hear Liana."
"H-h-h-....hey a-..Aiden I'm sorry I couldn't p-protect you "I....l-l-love you till the v-very end.......<silent cry><silence>
"Oh dear looks like she croaked before you could say you loved her back are you gonna be ok Aiden
"Aww don't be like that Aiden."
"Well if that's it I guess you have to die too."




"Your gonna..."
"Say it before I make you say it!"



~With that stab I punctured his ribs and broke all 6 of Mals ribs he retreated and this part of my story ends for now. We go to cams P.O.V~

"Cc give it up its point less to fight anymore."
"Aww common what's with the silent treatment Huh?"
"I just don't talk to the walking dead."

~She throws daggers out a mystic books I don't know what to do all I have to do is buy time for that bastard Aiden and my beloved C2 if I rip that book that's it I rushed her and slit her book in two in a dust of smoke she was gone the rain started to pour I walked to reunite with C2 when I saw~

"Hey is that Liana aidens girl. Hey girl wake up ugh she's she's dead...."

~I drop to my knees I'm sorry Aiden this is where we go back to me~

~move cam I hold Liana in my arms~

~Present Time Of Day~

"She was a good solider she served us Knights good remember Liana Desu as we lay her to rest in her well deserved grave."

~From that day I never felt the same sense I didn't do my homework I almost dropped a rank nobody could reach me I was never gonna be the same after lianas death we did things we were gonna get married is this how it ends me backed into a corner alone~

"This is it I only came here so I could protect her but she died cause the people I trusted here. Ok from now on im gonna use my kill instinct more often."

/So I don't have to hide anymore/

{are you my kill instinct?}

/yea you can call me Tricky/

{wait grandpa}

/the one and only I've helped you threw as well when you needed that extra push so don't forget me from now on my KILL KILL KILL mode is yours/

{thanks grandpa I won't forget ever}

~And just like I had like another persona one that makes me a beast killer to much has gone down today I'm done I'm going to sleep~

/goodnight grandson/

{goodnight grandpa}

~The Day Ends~

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