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hurricane swirlingby twentyhendy

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hurricane swirling
by twentyhendy

a letter from me to you. thank you for reading! :D

thank you for making it this far, your soul is strong. if you feel for priya, then i feel for you too. i hope this made you feel seen, or heard, and i hope you realize that love is as love does. things are going to get better for you, maybe not now, but soon. loving is hard and every bit of what you feel is normal. if you feel for rashid, then i feel for you too. rashid's character was very personal to me, because in a way, i could relate to him deeply. i hope you can realize that hiding yourself behind your fear of commitments isn't going to make things better. how long will you shield yourself from love? how long will you refuse to feel it? you deserve to feel it too. allow yourself to love.

as humans, our conception of love is messed up. drawing a line between what's right and what's wrong can be so hard sometimes and the experiences we have differ from one another. but we learn something new every time we walk in and out of something. we learn. we can learn. and we will learn. may it be because of love, for love, or despite love. we love, and we make mistakes, and we love again.

don't lose hope. i love you evermore. 🕷️

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