v. the end

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v. the end
Song: You're Losing Me -  Taylor Swift

If Priya's heart was chained to the depths of hell before, then it's probably in the pit of tartarus right now. She never thought she would find herself in this situation yet again.

The ache in her heart is something even words cannot simply fathom. She cannot say it because she feels it.

She mourns for the loss of another love but what kills her the most is that she feels so, so empty. Usually, Priya would feel her desire and her need, flame up her body to function again. To love again. But right now, she feels nothing of the sort.

I think I reached my limit. This is where it ends.

I feel so empty without my desire. It disgusted me but it was what kept me going. Now that I lost it, I'm just as good as dead. I have no purpose anymore.

I'm spent. I'm tired. I don't want to love anymore.

I walk outside my room to go to my door. Behind that door is a person I never want to see ever again. A person I once shared a piece of my heart with. A person who I will now avoid when we're crossing the street. The very person who ignited my desires, only to put them out again— and this time, for good.

"I told you to just go home."

"I can't just leave you like this."

"You already did."

"I'm sorry, Priya. I mean it, I'm sorry.
It's pathetic that those are the only words I can say to you right now but I truly am sorry. I'm sorry for making you hope, I'm sorry for confusing you, I'm sorry for being confused. I'm sorry because I thought I loved you."

"And I'm sorry because I actually did."

"I still need time to process everything. You need time to heal. We need time to heal. You were right. Love simply cannot fix this and I'm sorry. I ask this one last time."

"Do you really want me to leave?"

"I do. And I have one last thing to ask of you."


"Please let them inside."

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