Chapter Twenty- Eight

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Earlier this morning I read chapter 16 and I can't help but to think about it while I listened to Trevor talking to me.

He rambles on, "If you come to the party with me Saturday I will come to church with you on Sunday..."

I cut him off but I don't speak to him now. I'm addressing Irene, "This reminds me of Matthew chapter 16!"

Irene giggles, "Yes! When the seductive woman tried to seduce Jesus and wanted him to prove himself!"

Of course, he takes it like a compliment, "Do the beautiful ladies find me seductive?"

Irene awkwardly giggles, but I roll my eyes, "It's not a compliment!"

He disagrees, "Sexy is a compliment!"

Irene argues back, "Not in this case. Here, seduction is idiotic and.."

he mocks us, "You two make no sense!"

Irene tries to explain it better, but I tire of watching her pour out her heart and he really does not care at all.

It's pointless so I shush her and put my arms in her and confront him, "Being wicked and adulterous yet you demand a proof but none will be given to you."

I can hear the confusion in his laughter, but I really don't care. Irene is proud of me.

I shrug off her praise and I tell her, "He says in verse 6 to beware of the Pharisees and seduces!"

She shouts amen and we laugh and I ask, "Is it horrible that I love when Jesus calls his disciples out on having no faith and reminds them why he's awesome?

Irene laughs. "What verse is it you speak of? He's done that so many times.."

I groan because I can't remember and I respond uncertainly, "verses 9-11.."

My words trail off because I think I got that wrong.

Irene spins abruptly, "This is my stop."

She goes to leave but then turns around and says, "You can't forget that when Jesus asks them who he is, they tell him they believe he is the son of God.."

I tighten my backpack around my neck and I tell her, "Yeah but it took them long enough so I don't count it!"

She laughs and shakes her head and over her shoulders shouts, "Better late than never!"

I cuff my hands around my neck and shout, "If you come half heartedly, you're better to not come at all!"

She makes a shocking face before I shut the door on her and I wave and mouth bye! Then I giggle as I run to class.

I sit in my last class of the day and I doodle in my notebook while I think about a few verses I read earlier today and I realize I want to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. This is the moment that verse 24 pops into my head,

'If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.'

This is the moment I decided I want to live for the Lord, but how? I get lost in my thoughts and the next thing I know, the bell goes off. I see everyone walking around me and I know I should leave, but I don't.. then I feel a gentle hug coming from behind and I jump, but calm instantly when I see Irene.

She presses her head on mine and whispers, "Are you ok?"

I look up at her and my eyes water instantly as I ask, "How do you know when the Lord is calling you to do his work?"

Irene pulls up a seat next to me and explains, "It's an unmistakable urge that you have to do something and until you do it, you will feel unsettled."

I close my eyes and I tell the Lord that I am his. Irene places her hand on mine and, as if to read my mind, she prayed,

"Lord, be with Olivia and help her with whatever you placed in her heart."

I choose not to fight the urge and instead I embrace it and pull Irene into a hug.

The teacher interrupts our moment, clearing her throat and asking "Am I interrupting something?"

We both awkwardly giggle and she shakes her head and demands, "Get to class, girls!"

We laugh and run out of the room before we go our separate ways.

Irene tells me, "Whatever it is, don't fight it. God will never give you more than you can handle and if you fight it, you'll never feel complete."

I can tell she doesn't want to leave, but she's not one to disrespect and ignore an adult. She walks away and I just stand staring at the teacher. She gives me a look that tells me to get lost, so I awkwardly head back to class.

I walk In the door and of course the immature people shout at me, "Someone's late!"

The teacher sits with arms crossed, but I'm still in a daze.

I make a three sixty spin on my ankles when I hear the announcement, "Please excuse all cross country students for their meet and good luck to you all!"

I ignore all the sly comments from the other students as I walk out of the door. I'm surprised when Irene runs me over just enough to cause me to collapse to the ground.

She shrieks and giggles, "I'm so sorry!"

I can't help but to laugh as I call her out, "Says the girl that's laughing!"

She helps me up, and it's adorable how she feels so bad that it causes her to go into a rant, "I didn't mean to knock you over! I slid on the ground and I couldn't stop and.."

I stop her from laughing and tell her, "It's okay, I'm only picking on you!"

I can't help but to laugh at how surprised she looks.

I laugh harder as I pull her by her arm, "Let's go before the bus leaves us!

She gasps and we run to the bus. We seem to ride for about twenty minutes..

before Irene confronts me, "So, are we going to talk about the elephant in the room or just act like it never happened?"

I'm confused for a moment and then I laugh out and ask nervously, "How can I explain something that I don't understand?"

She shrugs and then softly replies, "I was seven when I became a missionary.."

I gasp, "How you were so young!"

She points a finger at me, "See!"

I'm confused, "See what?"

She gives me a knowing smile, "How to explain something to others that you yourself don't understand!"

I laugh when I understand what she's saying. Maybe certain things aren't meant to be explained out loud. Most people won't understand because they aren't meant to. Irene seems to know what's playing through my mind.

With a knowing smile she whispers, "God knows everything. All you have to do is listen and follow. Everyone else is just observing the miracles witnessing them and learning as you follow the path that God leads you on."

I wiped my cheek and stared at the water in awe as tears of unexplainable joy continued to fill my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I see that I have gotten Irene's attention. I turn to her, planning to show her I am fine, but instead of words I smile and we both giggle because Irene is also crying happy tears. She suddenly hugs me but it feels like it's the right thing for this moment so I embrace the hug.

I pull away from the hug and dramatically Fan the tears away with my hand.

Olivia: The book of MatthewWhere stories live. Discover now