chapter 10

222 13 21

Ship 6, Nissany

"ROY! ROY ANSWERE M-ME!" A voice said trough the walkie talkie of Roy and that voice was definitely Richards voice.

"Richard? whats wrong? Hello?" Roy said. But no answere back.

"Richard? Is anyone with you?" Roy asked agian until he heard another voice through the walkie talkie.

"Oh he sure isn't alone" the voice said with a laugh. Roy's face went pale. The islamic man knew damn well who the voice was.

"How did you get here? WHERE IS RICHARD?" Asked Roy worried.

"On my ship now, he's pretty stressed. I'm sure that he is in a panic attack rigth now" the voice chuckled


"Mh I remember also taking Théo, Enzo, Ollie and Jack" The voice answerd

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER! GIVE THEM BACK!"  Shouted Roy holding the walkie talkie tigther.

"You should look behind you, Roy Nissany"

Roy quickly turned around to see a older dutchman standing there. But Roy wasn't stupid. He saw a chip laying on the floor, so Jos wasn't here in person. . .

"What do you want? I have a laser gun with me and I can easily shoot you now" Roy started.

"Hopefully you remember that I still have some people of your crew? Maybe even some more"

"YOU-!" Roy didn't even know what to say. What could he do?

"I will take you too Roy, just wait, just fucking wait! And-" at once a laser went rigth through the hologram of the dutchman. Roy looked wide eyed but calmed a little when he saw who shooted.

"Lewis?" Roy asked softly

"Oh god Roy! What happend? Is everyone oke?" Lewis asked comming closer to the younger one. Roy just shook his head in disappointed. He didn't even known who Jos had taken. He didn't even protect them.

"Frederik, Roman, Isack and Ralph are already on my ship. They seem okay, well Ralph has a arm wound but it isn't that bad" Lewis explained. Roy just nodded. He hoped Ralph wasn't indeed in too much pain.

When Lewis and Roy arrived were the people of Roy's crew calming down. Roy didn't see Ralph but he was sure that the Swiss was in the medic-room. But Roy walked first to the younger ones.

"Are you guys okay?" Asked Roy worried.

"Yeah. . .Just shocked" Isack muttered

"I- they have Ollie. . ." Fred said looking at Roy.

"I know. . .we will get him back, just like the others" said Roy with a weak smile.

"I'm scared" admitted Roman.

"Don't worry, you guys are safe now" Nicholas said who was standing behind them. Roman gave a sligth smile at the Canadees.

"Can I see Ralph?" Asked Roy while he looked at Nicholas

"Oh yeah ofcourse, Esteban show Roy the way to the Medic-room" Nicholas said. Esteban nodden.

"Follow me" said the Frechman and walked away. When Roy entered the room he saw Ralph sitting in a chair shirtless with bandages on his rigth arm. He was talking with George. But when the Swiss saw Roy walking in he smiled.

"Roy you're okay!" Ralph said

"I'm okay? I can better say that about you!" Roy answerd while pointing at Ralph's arm.

"Yeah- I tried to stop those stupid robots of taking Jack but. . .I wasn't strong enough" Ralph explained

"Hey, you tried!" Said Roy with a sligth smile.

"I know. . .but still. We need to save the others! You know that Jos is a bad man" Ralph said serious.

"I know" Mumbled Roy.

"We will help with that" George added.

"Thanks kid" replied Ralph

"Where are Fred, Isack and Roman?" Asked Ralph worried

"Sh don't worry, they are still in the main room. They are just a little shocked" Roy answerd to calm the Swiss.

"So. . .you guys Hungry?" Asked George looking at the two men. Roy and Ralf looked  at eachother.

"Yeah, so whats to eat?" Asked Ralf to the Brit.

Meanwhile Frederik went to walk a little around. He just needed some time for himself. But then he heard people talking and laughing in an other room. Fred slowly got closer and peaked into the room. He saw a blond man talking with a. . .hologram? But before Frederik could think anything else the blond man saw him.

"He kid! You're someone from Roy's ship rigth?" Asked the man. Frederik just nodded.

"Oh I'm Nico by the way but you can call me Hulk and that is Kevin" Nico said with a friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Frederik but just call me Fred" said the Dane.

"So how are you? After the whole. . .thing. . ." Nico asked a little unsure.

"Uh. . .well. . ." Frederik had no idea what to say.

"Well. . .heh not that well. *faktisk alt andet end godt*" Frederik answerd. Nico looked a little confused at the younger Dane because he didn't understand the last part. But the man behind Nico did understand it, ofcourse.

"*lyder ret deprimerende*" Kevin said. Frederik then realized that Kevin also knew Danish. Oops?

"*taler du også dansk?*" asked Frederik

"*Jeg er dansker, så ja, jeg taler også dansk*" Kevin said while he shrugged his shoulders

"Can we talk English agian?" Asked Nico who was standing between the two.

"Hmmmm, no." Kevin said

"Godamnit. Well then I should just turn you off" Nico said dramatically


Frederik just watched as Nico continued witj teasing Kevin and Kevin just shouting at the German. Man. . .he should have had popcorn. . .


faktisk alt andet end godt = in fact anything but good

lyder ret deprimerende = sounds pretty depressing

Jeg er dansker, så ja, jeg taler også dansk = I'm Danish, so yes, I also speak Danish 

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