chapter 11

224 16 53

Ship 3, Verstappen

"Hello. . .?

"You awake? Are you okay?"

"Huh. . .?" Asked Richard weakly. he slowly opens his eyes. Richard suddenly felt a sharp pain in his side as he moved slightly.

"are you okay? it looks like you're in quite a bit of pain" the voice said.

"who are you?" Richard asked.

"oh! Zhou Guanyu" the Chinese said with a smile.

"Richard, nice to meet you?" Said the Dutchman.

"lift up your T'shirt" said Zhou suddenly. Richard looked at him strangely.

"I want to see you, I'm a nurse on Sebastian's spaceship" Zhou explained.

"oh sorry" Richard apologizes and lifts his T-shirt up a bit.

"You're from Roy's spaceship?" Guanyu asked. Richard nodded.

"oh that looks looks like a stab wound. Do you happen to know what happened?" Zhou asked as he examined the wound.

"I know a little bit. But every time I think about things I get a headache," Richard said with a sigh.

"hm...I can ask someone from Verstappen's crew if I can have a bandage" said Zhou.

“They just give you that?” the Dutchman asked in surprise.

"On this ship, only Jos is the bad guy. The others are nice," the Chinese explained.

"I hope Roy comes to save us" Richard said with a sigh.

"Yes. . .I want to leave here too. Then I can see a very good friend of mine again," said Zhou with a sigh.

"a very good friend?" teased Richard. Zhou's cheeks turned bright red.

"well...maybe a little more than friends" he said with a cheeky smile.

"Who is it if I may ask?" Richard asked curiously.

"Valtteri, he is a pilot on Lewis's ship," Zhou explained.

"hopefully someone will save us" added zhou.

"That will happen, I'm sure. Do you think your loved one will leave you here?"

"no! he wouldn't do that!"

"Exactly, so we're getting out of here. I'm sure," the Dutchman said with a smile.

"So. . .you can put your shirt down again" Zhou said pointing at Richards shirt.

"Rigth. . ."

Past: before Jos defeated Sebastian's ship

Ship 7, Vettel

Seb has made a quick stop with his space ship by the O-planet because they didn't have that much ores left. Romian and Alex went to get them. Even to the two already were some time gone. . .anyway, nothing bad could have happend rigth?

"Seb! I have a question" said Pierre looking at the German.

"Hm? What is your question Pierre?" Asked Seb with a smile.

"Uh, can we visit Mark's ship once again?" Asked Pierre while looking at the ground.

"Ofcourse! I get it that you want to see Jenson and Yuki" said Sebastian with a wink.

"Tell Romian about it. He would like it to see his husband again" Seb said to the Frenchman. Pierre smiled and nodded before walking away to seek for his papa.

"Are we really going to Webber's ship?" Asked Pascal who had heard the conversation.

"Aren't you suppose to train with Charles and Pierre?" Asked Seb

"First of all Pierre just left and second of all Charles is helping Arthur with some kind of project" answerd Pascal.

"Oh okay. Well to answere you question now  yes we're indeed going to travel to Mark's ship soon" Seb said. Pascal began to smile.

"And yes you will see Stoffel again" Seb laughed. Pascal's face went brigth red.

"Please don't tell Mark or Fernando! They would kill me if they find out that I'm dating there son!" Pascal muttered.

"Oh so you guys are already dating?" Seb continued

"Sebbbbb" Pascal whined

"I'm just teasing don't worry kid. I wont tell them" Sebastian promised.

"So. . .when are we going to visit your man?" Asked Pascal trying to give Seb karma.

"I- we aren't talking about Kimi rigth now" Seb said.

"But we will visit them soon" he added with a smile already thinking about the Finn.

"So. . .what were you doing?" Asked Pascal curious.

"Have I ever told you about Max Verstappen?" Asked Sebastian the younger German.

"Well, I know who he is but thats it" answerd Pascal.

"I want to take him away by Jos. Its just isn't safe there for him" explained Sebastian

"Oh, but aren't there also other people who work for Jos?" The younger German asked

"Probably. . .I'm still trying to find out who so I can help everyone" Seb answerd.

"Seb?" Asked another voice. Pascal and Sebastian looked at the doorway to see Zhou standing there

"Is there something?" The older German asked.

"It looks like that there is another space ship comming near us" explained Zhou. Seb eyes wided.

"Captian. . .?" Zhou asked Softly

"Shit. . ." Sebastian muttered

"Pascal get Pierre and Charles. Zhou go tell the others that they need to make themself ready for a figth" Said Seb quickly. Pascal and Zhou were suprised by Sebastian's actions but did what he said.

Now everything made sence. Why Romian and Alex didn't return. Why it looked like that something was following them and-

At once the power fell out. And a voice could be heard through the hallways.

"Oh Vettel. . .~"

"Jos Verstappen. . ." Sebastian mumbled.

"Lets have a little talk"

"Fuck off Jos"

"What are you going to do? Sad that your Finish boyfriend isn't here to help you?"


"Or else. . .?"

"You can stop this bullshit Jos" Seb said still trying to find the older Dutchman in the dark. At once two strong arms grabbed him by the neck.

"Lets see what you can do, useless German"


Little flashback 🤭

Next chapters will also have some Mick and Kevin flashbacks 🤫

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