chapter 13

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Ship 1, Häkkinen-Schumacher

"Kimi? Kimi where are you?" Shouted Nico through the hallways.

"Kimi isä wants to talk with you!" Tried the German again.

"Kim- oh. . ." Nico softy said when he saw Kimi in his room staring at a photo. Nico slowly walked closer to the Finn.

"What is it Nico?" Asked Kimi with a sigh.

"Oh, Isä want to talk with you" Nico muttered.

"Where is he?" Asked Kimi.

"In his and papa's room" Nico answerd. Kimi nodded and walked away. Nico also wanted to leave until he saw the picture that Kimi was holding earlier laying on his desk. Nico picked up the picture and froze.

The photo showed Kimi with his arm around a smaller man. The man had blond hair, blue eyes and a friendly smile. Sebastian. Kimi himself also had a small smile in the photo, quite rare. Kimi and Sebastian had a close bond with each other. They were probably dating at some point.

Only lately no one has heard from Sebastian anymore. Hell, no one's heard from his entire spaceship. No messages, No texts and no calls. Nothing. Nico knows that Michael, Valtteri and Kimi are worried about it. Valtteri himself also had someone he loved on Sebastian's ship. Michael and Seb also had a good bond with eachother, Micheal called Sebastian almost every day.

Meanwhile with Kimi. . .

"You wanted to talk with me?" Kimi said when he found Mika.

"Kimi, go sit down for a moment" said the older Finn. Kimi was confused but still did what was asked.

"Whats wrong" asked Mika


"Whats wrong?" Asked Mika agian.

"What do you mean?" Asked the younger Finn.

"Kimi, when I look into your eyes, I see sadness, disappointment and grief. What is bothering you, my son?" Mika said. Kimi looked at Mika confused.

"You miss him, don't you?" said the older Finn. Kimi inhaled and exhaled deeply before speaking.

"yes, I miss him. very much"

"oh Kimi" Mika said as he hugged his son tightly.

"He'll end up again" Mika muttered into Kimi's neck.

“What if it's my fault he stops responding and contacts us?” Kimi asked. Mika quickly pulled away from the hug.

"listen here Kimi Häkkinen-Schumacher! it is never possible that Sebastian broke off contact with everyone because of you! you took care of him! you helped him! you loved him! so never say that sentence again! understand?" Mika said sternly. But the older Finn needed to bring out some realization in Kimi.

Kimi was a bit shocked by the whole speach but Mika was right. It could never have been his fault. He and Seb loved each other.

Ship 3, Verstappen

“Did you want to escape?” Max asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I- I-" Charles stuttered who was still laying on the ground stuck with his foot still stuck.

"I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you think," Max said. Charles looked at him, unsure.

"Why else do you think I let your younger brother go?" After that sentence, Charles trusted the young man in front of him.

"Yes, I wanted to escape" Charles admitted.

"Wait, before you give a full explanation, could I just loosen your foot?" Max asked as he looked at Charles' foot. The foot was stuck in a bear trap and it didn't look too good.

"yeah . . . that's a good idea" Charles said with a weak smile.

"sorry, it's going to hurt for a while" the Dutchman said softly. Max took rest and carefully removed Charles' foot from the trap. Charles bit his lip because it hurt quite a bit. Afterwards Charles made a face because he tasted an iron taste in his mouth.

"ha ha, bit your lip a little too hard?" asked Max.

"Yes, can I have some water?" answers Charles. Max nodded and removed the trap completely.

"okay, just lean on my shoulder and I'll take you to my room so I can treat your foot, okay?" Max explained. Charles had to think for a moment but agreed to the plan.

So the two boys walked to Max's room. Nyck had seem them but Nyck has a kind soul so no way he would tell Jos about.
Max had put Charles on his bed so he could sit comfortable.

"Okay I will first clean the wound and then warp it in bandages if you're fine with that" said Max who wanted to make sure to not make Charles uncomfortable.

"Sure I don't mind" said Charles. So while Max was Cleaning the wound he asked some questions so Charles wouldn't really feel the pain.

"I actually have no idea what your name is" chuckled Max.

"Oh its Charles, whats you name?" Asked the Monégasques

"Max, nice to meet you Charles" Max answerd with a smile.

"You're nothing like Jos" started Charles. Max stoped for a moment but then continued with the wound.

"I know, I don't even want to be like him. I hate him" Max muttered.

"I think nobody on this ship likes him" agreed Charles.

"True, thats why he makes an army out of robots because he thinks we're to weak or stupid" Max mumbled.

"Thanks for helping me by the way" Charles said with a smile when he noticed that Max was done.

"No problem, probably should rest some days but you will be fine" Max answere

"I hope that my little brother is okay. . ." Charles said softly.

"He will be I'm sure about that" Max said

"Why are you so sure. . .?" Asked Charles confused

"Because we just traveled past the L-planet and Hamilton's ship comes there on the 2 days" explaines Max. And with that Charles eyes fill with hope.

"So. . .can we be like. . .friends?" Asked the Monégasques.

"Sure I would love to have you as my friend" Max said with a smile. And Charles smiled back with a good feeling about his New friend.


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