chapter 18

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"And are you feeling better?" Asked Kevin. Daniel nodden. The Aussie had woken up and is doing better now.

"Is Tonio around?" Asked Daniel.

"Yeah, but I don't know where" answerd the Dane.

"Is it oke if I rest a bit? I really want to help with the figth against Jos but for now I just can't" sighed the Australian.

"Ofcourse, take your time" Kevin says. Daniel smiled weakly at the Dane. Just as the Aussie was about to fell asleep he saw something behind the other one.

"Kev. . .behind you" muttered Dan. Kevin looked confused but before he could look behind him a Chip was pressed in his neck. Then he was gone.

"Ah, thank you for the distraction Ricciardo. Now I have my hologram back" Jos smiled as he looked at the chip in his hand.

"Asshole. . ." Daniel said but he couldn't do anything.

"Shhhh, say one wrong thing and I kill you rigth away" then the Australian stayed silent.

"Good, have a good rest" then the Dutchman left again leaving Daniel alone. The Aussie looked at his wrist. Kevin didn't take his watch off. Good. Now he could call someone. Daniel looked for a name before pressing on it.


"so, we first attack here and-" Kimi explained until he got cut of by a call. The Finn looked at his watch. Daniel? The others in the room also looked confused as they so who was calling.

"Why would Daniel call you?" Carlos says

"Yeah, Kevin is with him rigth? I'm also sure that Nando is also around" Hulk said.

"Daniel? Why are you calling?" Kimi says as he picked up.

"Its Jos. . .he is here" says Daniel weakly.

"W-what? Is someone around?" Mark asked quick.

"I. . .don't know where Fernando is but. . .he took Kevin" Daniel explained. Mark stood up immediately and ran to the medic-room with Hulk following him.

"Dan is Jos still around?" Asked Kimi

"No. . .not that I know" answerd Daniel.

"Wait. . .then where is he now?" Asked Carlos slowly.


"How are you doing?" Asked Seb as he checked on Max. The younger one went in the shower, got some frech clothing and got a Delicious meal made by Seb.

"I feel really good" smiled Max.

"Good, hey I have an own room for you here. Want to see it?" Asked the German and Max nodded. The Dutchman followed the older one and not much later they stopped infront of a room.

"All yours" smiled Seb. Max opend the door. It was a pretty basic room but it had a comfortabele bed, a desk and a drawer with clothing in it.

"We can design it later" added Sebastian.

"Wow! Is this all for me?" Asked Max as he looked around.

"Yep, its your own room" answerd Seb.

"I never had this before! And a real bed! Oh and new clothes!" Max said happy. Sebastian's heart breaks a little, realizing that the kid never got good taken care of. But he was safe now.

"Maxie, I need to go now oke? Can you stay here for me?" Asked the German and Max nodden.

"If you're scared you can always lock the door and call me or Kimi, alrigth?" Explained Seb

"I will" Max says with a sligth smile.

"Good, make yourself comfortabele in your room" Seb says before leaving the Dutchman alone.


Alex was walking through the hallways of the Häkkinen-Schumacher ship. He needed to bring some things to Romain so the Swiss could help Daniel. Then the Thai heard a sound behind him.

"Hello?" He said as he turned around. Nobody.

"Oke. . ." Muttered Alex before continuering to walk again. Not much later he heard it again.

"What the. . ." Again he looked behind him and again there was nothing.

"Lando? George? Are you guys doing a stupid prank again? " Alex said. No reaction. Then he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and he felt on the ground.

"AU! I- fuck. . ." Groaned the Thai in pain.

"Just close your eyes, you will be on my side in no time" was the last thing he heard before everything went Black.


"NANDO? FERNANDO?" Mark yelled as he stormed into the medic center.

"Mark. . .?" He could hear a soft voice say. The Aussie found his Spaniard laying on the floor.

"FERNANDO! What happend? Are you oke?" Mark asked

"I- I got hit in the head. . .ah fuck. . .no idea what happend after that. . ." Hissed Fernando as he held his head.

"Shit. . .does it still hurt alot?" Mark asked worried.

"I don't feel good at all" Nando answerd. Then Hulk also walked in.

"Nico get a bucket" Mark orders. The German looked confused but did as he said. Nico gave the bucket to Mark and Mark gave the bucket to Nando. And in time because not much later the Spaniard needed to puke.

"Goddamnit. . ." Groaned Nando.

"Shhh, it will be oke" shushed Mark.

"My head hurt like hell and I feel dizzy. . ." Fernando says.

"I will carry you to your room, then you can rest" explaind the Australian.

"Can you then stay with me. . .?" Asked Nando softly

"Ofcourse" Mark said as he smiled softy. Fernando smiled back until he needed to puke again.

"Argh. . .fuck. . ."

"Shhhh, darling" comforted Mark.
Meanwhile Hulk was with Daniel.

"Hulk!" Dan says as he saw his Geman friend.

"Are you alrigth?" Asked Nico.

"I'm" sighed the Australian.

". . .and Kevin?" Added Hulk.

"I- Nico. . .Jos was here and took him!" Daniel said.

"How did they take him. . .?" Hulk asked

"They turned him back into a Chip, so he is a hologram again. . ." Daniel explaind softly.

"No. . .no. . .no. . .no. . .no" Nico repeated over and over. Wait.

"What do you mean with 'they'?" Asked Hulk

"There where more people. . .I don't remember who. . ." The Australian answerd.

"Fuck. . .wait. . .then where are they now. . .?" The German asked and the Aussie stayed silent.

"Shit. . ."

"They are still here, aren't they?"


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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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