Chapter 2

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"Dinner was amazing thank you two." I say
"No problem." Katherine says
"I'm gonna go upstairs if that's ok." I say
"Yeah go ahead."
Jackie didn't come and eat today. Nothing really happened the whole day and it was really slow. I didn't have many friends back in New York so I don't really call back there.
I also have school tomorrow so I'll get some rest and see where tomorrow takes me.
I woke up really early since I went to bed earlier than I'm use to. So I decided to get dressed and did my hair and all that stuff to make my life a little more interesting.

(This is the outfit if you don't like it imagine your own

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(This is the outfit if you don't like it imagine your own.)
"Mia hi!" Katherine says
"Hello." I said
"Why are you up so early?" She asks
"I went to bed earlier than usual." I answer
"Oh nice get some breakfast while it's here and could you help and bring Jackie a plate upstairs?" She asked
"Yeah sure." I say as I get a plate.
After I get a plate set up I hear a bunch of rumbling upstairs.
"Mia breakfast rush is almost here get Jackie her plate please." Katherine says
"Yes ma'am." I mumbled
I went upstairs and dogged past a lot of boys like a lot.
"Jackie." I say
"Yes." She responds
"I brought you a plate before there was none left." I say
"Oh um thank you." She says
"I'm going to be down stairs if you need me." I say
"Ok." She says
I went back down stairs to all the kids devouring the food.
"Holy I never seen this much people eat before." I say
"Well get used to it M this is a daily thing." Cole said
"Noted." I say
He chuckles
"Bus leaves in 5 minutes." Cole says
"Huh?" I say
"Just follow me." He says
"Um ok." I say
"Ok so this is how it will go you and Jackie sit in the middle since it makes sense." He says
"Ok." I say
"And this is the next rush." He says as all the boys pile in the car.
"Ready for your first day?" He says
"Not even a little." I say
"Get in the spirit it's gonna go amazing." He says
"If you say so." I say as I put my AirPods in and climb into the car.
"Hey Jackie." I say
"Um hi." She says
"Ready for your first day?" I ask
"If you're gonna act like you did when we were in New York don't talk to me." She says
"How about we don't talk at all since you hate me so much." I say
"Fine by me." She say
I scoffed.
Yes I didn't care what grades I got and was a little out of hand but I didn't have anyone none of my family cared about me they cared about Jackie and Lucy not me.
"Ok we have a full car that means Isaac no giving out rides to random cheerleaders.
I chuckled at that.
"And we leave at 3:30 sharp ok."
The boys were rushing to get out.
"And if anyone asks about me tell them to ask me I don't need to you ruin school for me." Jackie says
"Noted." I say
I get out of the car and start to walk away when I heard someone say my name.
"Mia wait!" Cole says
"What." I say
"Nathan and Danny wanted to see if you need help to get to your classes?" He says
"I'm good I'm guessing they asked Jackie and she said yes." I said
"Uh I think?" He says
"Yup I'm good have a good day Cole see you at 3:30 or sooner." I say
"Cole!" A girl said running up to him and kissing him.
"Get a room." I said fake gagging
"Who are you?" The girl asks very rude
"Mia." I say the same tone.
"We'll stay away he's mine." She says as she walks by without Cole.
"Cool not like I did anything." I say
"Brat." I mumble.
"Bye M." He says
"Bye Cole." I said walking away.
School was really boring I skipped lunch since I wasn't hungry now it was 3:25 five more minutes until they leave luckily I have a door to the parking lot in my last class.
The bell rings and everyone goes to the door.
"Don't forget you guys have homework!" The teacher yells
"Mia, hi!" Nathan says
"Sup." I say
"So how was your first day?" He says
"Boring really." I say
"Yeah get used to it." He says
"Noted." I say
"Hello M." Cole says
"Hello Cole." I say
"How was your day." He says opening my door for me.
"Boring." I say
"Yeah we hear that a lot." He says
"Did you skip lunch?" He asks
"Uh yeah wasn't really hungry." I say
"Ok." He says.
"Is there a problem with that?" I ask
"No no I was just wondering." He says
"Ok." I say
I tuned out everyone and everything until we came to a stop.
"Out everyone out." Cole says
Once again everyone was out in under a second. It's crazy.
"Mia!" Katherine says
"Hello." I say
"How was your day?" She asks
"Really boring." I say
"Yeah we hear that one a lot." She laughs
"Well I'm going to do homework now so yeah."
"Ok have fun!" She says
"I'll try." I say.

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