Chapter 5

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I walk into Coles room. I did change into my favorite pajamas

 I did change into my favorite pajamas

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So I didn't smell like puke.
"How you feeling?" He asks
"Better I can actually walk without tripping!" I say sarcastically.
"Well that's good come on lay down." He says.
"Can I say something?" I ask
"Sure." He says
"Why do you get with a girl ever chance you get?" I ask
"I don't really know." He says
"Well if I was a boy I would pick the girl that's smart beautiful intelligent woman and  she wouldn't push you over your limits if it wasn't a good idea." I say
"That reminds me of a girl." He says
"Really who!" I say looking up at him.
"You really don't know do you." He says
"Well I was in an all girls school." I said
"What does that have to do with anything?" He asks
It means that I don't know how to read boys as much as I can read girls." I said
"Oh so you actually don't know." He says
"Yes I would love for you to tell me." I said
"No you're gonna have to figure it out yourself." He said
"Wow really low of you Cole."
"Eh I want to learn more about you though." He says
"Well I could tell you my past before Jackie does." I say
"Sure only if you're ready to tell me." He says
"Yeah I'm ready."
I take a huge breath.
"So back in New York I was the middle child and not like this family a child never gets left out they always have someone to play with but my mom and dad had there work and Jackie and Lucy had each other so when I figured out that I had no rock to get me through tough times I became a whole Debbie downer. No one wanted to be my friend so I became my own. Yes me being my own friend wasn't a good idea. I got in trouble more than you could count. I smoked I drank a lot and I knew my parents didn't like it but they never stopped me. One night I heard them talking about me to Lucy and Jackie when they were having dinner. I was a huge disappointment they wanted me to change but Jackie was always scared of me and Lucy was a complete ray of sunshine she was always super nice to me but I didn't want her to have me and Jackie on her plate so I shut her out. When she moved to college I became worse. It was just me and Jackie and she complained a lot about me to my face how I was a complete mess and  couldn't get to together. I didn't talk to them for months the last time I talked to them was when Lucy came for winter break. They yelled at me because I didn't have my room cleaned for her and I kept apologizing over and over but they just went on and on." I said tears threaten to spill over my eyes.
"And you felt like you were lost had no one nothing and felt like nothing to no one."  Cole said
"Yea." I said
"Well at least now you have me and everyone else here." He said
"Expect Jackie or anyone else." I said
"You have me I can be your rock." He said
"Thank you Cole." I said
"No problem."
"I'm going to go goodnight Cole." I said
"You know you can come anytime to talk to me about anything." He says
"Yeah I know." I say
"Ok Goodnight M." He says as I walk out.
I ran into Jackie walking back to our room.
"So you and Cole huh." She said
"Are just friends." I said
"Mhm. She says "accidentally" hitting my shoulder as she walks past spilling a little water on me.
I don't walk in since she closed the door on me and I just walk back to Cole's room and walk in.
"Who's there?" He says
"Sorry me again could I bunk with you tonight?" I ask
"Sure." He says as I lay down next to him and he pulls me closer to him.
That was hot.
"Goodnight M."
"Goodnight Cole."
And with that I feel asleep in Cole Walter's arms just as friends.
I woke up to a sleeping Cole.
I try and move but his arms are like clinging on to me like I'm gonna fly away or something. Then right as I was trying to fall back asleep I feel his head right on my neck.
"You smell good." He says
HOLY his morning voice. I literally might melt. No Mia ew stop. "Well good morning to you too and thank you." I say smiling
"Good morning how did you sleep?" He asks
"Peacefully and I felt like really safe and not like some random killer is going to kill me." I say
"Wow ok that took a turn." He says laughing
"It's actually one of my biggest fears." I say
"Really?" He asks
"Yeah the other one is that imma die alone." I say
"Well I promise you'll find a husband that will love to for eternity." He says looking up at me.
Yes. We have an another stare that last for a long time.
"Promise?" I say
"Promise." He says
"Ok can we go back asleep your bed is really comfortable." I say
"I wish but we need to get ready for whatever the day brings." He says
"Ok fine I'll see you in a bit I have to go."
"Bye M." He says
"Bye Cole." I say back

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