Issue #2

176 4 3

The Spider-Knight of Winterfell

Disclaimer: This is a fan made story and should not be considered canon. I do not own any of the properties that are shown and belong to their original creators/owners.

Story Start

Ned, Cat, Robb, Sansa, Ayra, Bran, Rickon, and Theon stood in the center of Winterfell as he watched men with the Mormont banner arrive. Next them was Lady Mormont herself, along with her daughters; Dacey, Alysane, Lyra, Jorelle, and Lyanna.

They all stepped down from their horses and made their way to Ned.

"Lord Stark." Maege Mormont greet, she stood proud wearing leather and chainmail armor, as well as her daughters, her brown hair having a few streaks of gray in them while some wrinkles adorned her face. Her eldest daughter, Dacey looked like a younger version of her mother. Her second eldest daughter Alysane was more robust to say the least with short hair and more muscular appearance. Lyra and Jorelle looked around the same age as Sansa while Lyanna looked like Bran's age.

"My Lady, I'm glad to hear you are safe." Ned gave a curt nod.

Maege gave him a small smile, "Indeed, if not for the Spider-Knight we would have been prisoners of the Ironborn." She said as she gave Theon a pointed look, which made him shift nervously. "Speaking of the Ironborn we have managed to hold one captive." 

Ned's face became stern and serious, "Very well, let us see what he has to say." 

"She." Dacey corrected. She turned to her sister Alysane and nodded at her. Alysane nodded back and walked towards a bound figure on a horse, a sack covering the head.

"She?" Ned asked with a raised eyebrow.

Alysane roughly brought the prisoner down from the horse and dragged her to the warden of the North. Alysane then shook the prisoner roughly to stand still, she then gripped the sack. 

"Lord Stark, I'd like you to meet Asha Greyjoy of House Greyjoy. Daughter of Balon Greyjoy." Maege said as her daughter ripped the sack off of Asha. She had short black hair and dark eyes, around the same age as Dacey. The revelation made the Starks and Theon widen their eyes in shock.

Asha snarled at Alysane before turning her head to the Starks. Her snarl turned into a heated glare but then smiled wickedly as she saw Theon.

"Hello brother." She said in a sweetly yet sickening tone.

"Asha." Theon simply replied.

"I see you stand proud next to these northern dogs. The dogs that took you away from your true family." Asha sneered.

Theon felt hurt at his sister's word but he pushed it down. "The Starks have treated me well, Asha. They treat me like a guest rather than a prisoner."

Asha frowned and spat at Theon's feet. "Then I have no words for you Traitor." 

Theon felt like a dagger drove into heart. He missed his family on the Iron Island but the time he spent in Winterfell he began to view the Starks as his family. Though that doesn't mean his sister's words didn't hurt any less.

"Come, let us retreat to the great hall." Ned Stark gestured to everyone to come inside, they took his offer as the Starks and Mormonts entered the Great Hall.


Meanwhile outside the gate of Winterfell, two guards were keeping a lookout for any intruders. They stood near the base of the gate and both of them looked incredibly bored. 

"How in the seven hells did we get stuck with this?" The first guard complained.

"Shut up." The second guard said.

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