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Veneer P.O.V

,,uh are you okay?" I asked in concern as I noticed that Ritz is pretty unbalanced right now even though he was just standing, ,,yes yes, wait a second" he answered as he took a few deep breaths, ,,are you sure? Nothing changed" I said, ,,yes... I'm definitely fi-" he was about to finish the sentence as suddenly Ritz collapsed onto me, I couldn't hold my balance and also fell onto the ground along with him, ,,HEY RITZ ARE YOU OKAY?!" I yelled as I shook him but no avail in waking him up, so I picked him up in bridal style and took him to the nurse office.

I somehow managed to knock on the doorframe to make the nurse notice me, ,,umm excuse me, but Ritz just collapsed randomly..." I spoke up nervously, ,,oh again?" The nurse said as if it was the most normal thing on earth, ,,AGAIN?!" I exclaimed loudly, ,,don't worry, I know what to do, it's quite usual for him to pass out like that" the nurse tried to reassure me but it didn't help at all, it even made me more nervous, ,,he has medicine in his locker, do you mind bringing them to me?" The nurse added, ,,uhh yeah I can do that" I I as I laid Ritz down on the bed, I quickly left. How can this be normalized like it's not supposed to be normalized, I quickly made my way to his locker and opened it...

It wasn't the cleanest locker but still not that bad, I looked around and found the pills pretty quickly. I was about to rush back as suddenly I heard Velvet's voice, ,,what are you doing here? Why are you not in the cafeteria like I am?" She asked and crossed her arms, ,,I need to help someone" I answered, ,,really? I wanna see that" she said, ,,fine come with me..." I sighed. I led her to the nurse office and as we arrived, Ritz was already awake and sitting on the edge of the bed with his usual calm smile, ,,oh I see... you're feeling better" I said as I passed him the pills, ,,thank you very much, Veneer" he smiled and took a pill, ,,he got massive eye bags" Velvet commented unnecessarily loud out, I noticed that Ritz had eye bags indeed, didn't I noticed in the first olive?... ,,anyway don't worry about me, Veneer" Ritz said as he got up, ,,do you need help?" I asked as I was getting ready to help him, ,,no, I'm fine now" he giggled, implying that this time everything was really fine and in control.

Ritz P.O.V

Veneer is an interesting boy so far... he didn't judge me by the first second he saw me, even though I'm sure I didn't make the best impression on him. I wonder what he thought when I passed out since it almost looks like he didn't question it but he surely did, ,,hey what about we go into the cafeteria?" I asked and tilted my head, ,,I don't have any money with me right now" Veneer said, ,,...I will pay for you" I said after I've been thinking for a whole minute about what to do, ,,thank you very much" he nodded, ,,can you pay for me too?" Velvet commented from the side, ,,I can do that" I said even though I knew exactly that I didn't have enough money for myself, ,,really Velvet? That's not very polite" Veneer said, ,,but he said he'd pay for me" Velvet crossed her arms, ,,I can do it for today..." I said trying to calm the situation and it worked perfectly.

As the break ended, I decided to just leave the school and skip class for now, I often skip school, so often that nobody cares about it anymore, but someone cared this time, ,,hey where are you going?" Veneer asked as I was about to leave the school, ,,oh right, I'm gonna skip class" I answered and turned around to face him, ,,wait why?!" He asked, utterly confused, ,,sometimes I just don't feel like going to class anymore" I answered calmly, ,,but who should I stay with then?" He asked in panic, ,,wanna tag along?" I asked, ,,I mean, it would be cool but what about the teacher? And where are you going anyway?" He asked nervously, ,,if you don't skip too often then they won't mind it that much" I tried to reassure him, ,,and I'm going to a café" I added, ,,fine... I will tag along" he smiled a little.

Honey trouble [Veneer x Kidritz] (trolls 3)Where stories live. Discover now