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Veneer P.O.V

I didn't want to believe that she was standing in front of me, Midori... we used to go to school together but since I moved away I was hoping I'd never see her again, she's a stalker, psycho and so much more... I remember how she threatened me with a knife only wanting me to stay with her forever, ,,I didn't think I'd meet you here Ven" she smiled, this friendly mask was so fake, faker than ai, ,,oh hey Midori..." I laughed nervously, ,,you guys know each other?" Ritz asked, ,,yes, we used to go to school together, and you are...?" She said, ,,I'm Kidritz, but you can call me Ritz" he smiled calmly, ,,yeah but I thought you moved somewhere else..." I said nervously, ,,oh no I only live a few streets away" she smiled, ,,cool then we can be a trio..." Ritz smiled, even though he didn't like his own idea which was clear to me for some reason.

,,so it's surprising to see you here Ven, I thought you don't drink alcohol" she said, ,,yeah no, I still don't drink" I said, Ritz seems to be friendly towards her, but I'm not sure if I should warn him, maybe she's only after me and not him? It's always a risk since she's pretty unpredictable and Ritz doesn't know what she is able to do, ,,so? I can pay for drinks!" Midori smiled, ,,gah no I think I'll pass!" I quickly refused, ,,hell no, I won't" Ritz said, it was obvious he didn't agree because he wants to be friends with her, he only agreed because he wants to save his money. I'm not gonna take my eyes off her until we'll leave, as she paid for Ritz's drink I kept staring the drink, I wanted to make sure she doesn't drug him or anything, ,,maybe we could hang out more often?" Midori smiled, I just stared at her with an uneasy feeling while Ritz spoke up again, ,,hmm... I'm not sure... at parties sure but... I don't know..." he spoke, even though he doesn't know what she has done, he isn't that fond to her fortunately.

Ritz P.O.V

After I drank that drink Midori paid for, I felt really dizzy and I couldn't walk straight, Veneer noticed that and he started pulling me out of the club, I was heavily drunk and couldn't take anything seriously, ,,where we going?~" I hummed and leaned on Veneer, ,,I'm gonna get you home, where do you live?" He asked as he picked me up in bridal style, ,,the fuck? You're so light" he added, ,,why do you wanna know where I live? Are you a stalker or something?~" I started laughing uncontrollably, ,,I'm not a stalker I just wanna take care of you!" He exclaimed, ,,hahaha... I feel like I'm dying from starvation!" I leaned back laughing, ,,what the hell..." Veneer looked at me with a concerned stare.

Veneer P.O.V

It was quite a conversation until I actually figured out where Ritz lives, I brought him inside and looked around, it was dark, no lights were on, clothes laying all over the place, the kitchen was messy full with dirty dishes, mostly microwave food. ,,that's where you live?" I asked, ,,yeah, what's up with that judging tone of yours?" He mumbled, ,,no nothing... I'm gonna make you something to eat.." I said as I put him back down and he immer let himself fall on the couch, the couch was huge so I don't know how he can afford such a huge couch but can't afford food and stuff?

I looked into the fridge and all I saw was microwave ramen noodles, nothing else, I didn't had much of a chance to make something else so I made him ramen... from the fridge... while Ritz was almost half asleep he turned on the TV and only listened to the sound of the TV while his face was buried in one of the hard pillows on his couch, I brought him the ramen and put them down on the table next to the couch and sat down on the couch, Ritz still didn't move an inch, ,,Ritz?" I asked, but then he sat up and I don't know what happened but he sudden pinned me down before he spoke, ,,I'm gay for you! And you are gay for me..." he spoke and kissed me.

The kiss lasted for around a whole minute as I was too shocked to do anything else than stare, after a while Ritz broke the kiss and he sat up again before he passed out next to me... again...

Honey trouble [Veneer x Kidritz] (trolls 3)Where stories live. Discover now