Chapter 16

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Madison POV

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Madison POV

Mystic Falls, 1864

Tonight the council members have been rounding all the vampires and witches up. I sneak up quietly behind Stefan and Damon, I'm supposed to be inside right now. Grandfather, uncle Stefan, and uncle Damon told me to stay inside tonight. I heard my mother leaving and I followed after her, but as soon as I got outside she was gone.

Uncle Stefan and uncle Damon quickly, but quietly run to the carriage that the vampires are inside of. I watch them as they open the door and they bring out Katherine, I watch as they untie her then I watch as grandfather shoots uncle Damon and uncle Stefan runs to Damon's aide. I watch as the men come running back to the carriage, I watch as uncle Stefan picks up a gun and aims to shoot, but I watch as grandfather shoots Stefan.

I get out of my hiding place and run like hell to Stefan and Damon.

" Uncle Stefan! Uncle Damon!" I yell as tears flow down my face.

A bunch of men run up to me and grab me, they go to put me in the carriage, but grandfather stops them.

" Wait, that's Madison. Let her go, she is confused on what she has seen tonight." Grandfather tells the men.

They let me go and I just stare into my grandfather's eyes.

" Come, Madison. Come back home, I shall explain everything there." Grandfather says to me.

I nod my head and follow him back home, I give Stefan and Damon's body once last glance.


Damon and Elena went down to the cellar to see Stefan, I can't visit him. I cant' stand to see him laying there, he looks as if he's dying all over again. I'm overly worried about Stefan, I hope he can make it through this. I know he will make it through this because he always makes it through everything, we survive, it's what we do.

I remember whenever Emily told me about all the times my mother had put her blood into my drink, it was so whenever I was ready, I could become a vampire without having to drink vampire blood from the vein.

I walk downstairs and see Stefan looking at the thing Pearl gave him. Elena enters the living room the same time I do.

" Do you know what that thing is, yet?" I ask Damon.

" Nope. Whatever it is, it doesn't work." Damon says.

Elena's packing her bag for school.

" Pearl didn't say anything else about it?" Elena asks.

" She thought she was stealing his vampire compass, but it was a pocket watch. That Johnathan Gilbert was a crazy scientist." Damon says deeply looking at the object.

" Have you spoken to your uncle lately?" Damon asks Elena.

" I've been avoiding him, actually. That, and I've been here most nights." Elena says.

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