Nasima's boat approached the fog-covered island. The destination ahead of her looked abandoned. It was as if the island had been unused for centuries, and she wasn't surprised this was the case. She had heard many stories of this place during her lifetime.

The Isle of Immortals was known around all of Sedalia. It was in the middle of the ocean and in the middle of the world. This place was known for being an old home of the gods, but now it is no longer old. The new goddesses would be moving in now.

As the fog dissipated, Nasima could see the island more clearly. There, on the abandoned piece of land, was too an abandoned castle. Even from her distance, Nasima could see the tall spires and menacing wall of the castle.

It was then her boat hit something. The boat rocked against a wooden dock, threatening to run it over. The crew of the ship ran to hook a rope to the side.

"That won't be necessary." She called, putting a hand up to halt them.

They stalled, unsure of what to do. That's when the captain came over to her. "Princess, it is necessary we get a strong hold onto the dock before we unload.

Nasima shook her head. "The only thing you need to unload is me. I can do that without the fancy ropes."

The captain looked to his crew, "Are you meaning to say we are to leave you alone out here?"

"That's right, did I not speak loud enough?" She asked, raising her brow.

He gulped, "No, Princess. I heard you. It's just that your father-"

Nasima cut him off as she had the crew. "Speak not of my father. I am your future empress. You will treat me with the same respect. Now I tell you, leave and forget about me here. I will return when I deem it so." She lied. She would never return, and she was no longer the future empress. She knew that but he didn't have to. If it would make him go away she would say just about anything. "My parents know about this." She added. "It was their idea to send me here for royal training."

His eyes lightened, "Then I suppose we have no problem. I will lower you a ladder."

"Yes, yes, hurry with it."

He ran off to grab a ladder, lowering it over the side of the ship. She could not believe how gullible one could be. How could he really believe she would go to an abandoned island for royal training? Either way, she would not question it more than needed. It was in her favor after all.

She eased herself down the ladder, her soft hands rubbing against the rough ladder. Once her feet rested on the dock she yelled up at the men. "Drop me my luggage now." She looked up at the boat, and though she was close the fog covered the deck, leaving her unable to see anyone above.

Without a response her trunks came raining down onto the dock. She packed light, unlike how she would usually do. But she knew this would be her last trip, so she only packed the essentials.

She stopped for a moment, looking at the castle in front of her. Seeing the spire and walls from the ship gave the building itself no justice. Now, as Nasima stood before it, it was much more intimidating. They were both castles, yet her one at home was much more inviting, at least she thought it so. This one was tall and lonely, it could be seen through the ancient architecture, the dead flora, and the absence of any sound save for the ocean surrounding it.

Grabbing her two trunks from the dock, she lugged them onto the land behind her. As her foot hit the grass, she felt a shift. It was as if the air was alive. The wind swirled around her, twirling her hair and skirts. It was loud against her ears, so loud she almost didn't hear the screaming.

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