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Adara was in a pit, surrounded by flames. She had sat here for an hour now and had managed to grow and shrink the flame, though that was the extent of her current powers. The other girls had been cold to Keithia since last night, but Adara thought it was only because they cared.

Each of the girls had been working separately all morning, all they really needed was some time together. They wanted to be close but in truth they had only known each other for a matter of days. It would be hard to save the world with people you don't trust, much less know.

She looked up at the sky, noticing the sun begin to set and the moons beginning to rise. The fire around her dissipated at her command, turning into embers. She rose from the ashes, her dress covered in black soot.

The walk back to the palace wasn't far. She had stayed in the garden, even though it was hard to find a place of fire surrounded by the other elements. Still, she had managed.

The other goddesses had just met up in the square when Adara arrived. They all smiled at her standing from their seats under the pavilion and heading inside. It has become a bit of a habit. Wait for everyone in the pavilion when you see the sun begin to set. Then they would all head into the castle together, just in time for dinner.

They walked into the formal dining room, the same room they had eaten nearly every meal in since they arrived here a few days ago. In the same seats everyone had seemed to claim the first day, everyone took a seat at the table. The food was brought out moments later, the same variety of cuisine they had every night. Still, it never seemed to get tiring.

Everyone had their plates full, eating in silence. Not that they had ever been talkative but it was quieter than usual. Adara tried to get past it, taking another bite of the ham on her plate. The scraping of her knife on her plate only seemed more irritable without any other sound to cover it.

Finally, having had enough, Adara slammed her cutlery onto the table. It made a loud enough sound for nobody to miss. The goddesses turned their heads in shock at the usually quiet goddess.

"That's enough!" She shouted. Before her emotions could erupt anymore, she took a deep breath, regaining her sanity. "It's so frustrating that not everyone gets along. I get, we are all different but that doesn't mean we can't be civil. We all have our individual strengths, so let's use them to help each other, to help save the world. Because whether we like it or not, that's what we're gonna have to do." She smiled at the end as if she had not just given them all a vocal lashing. "Now, are we all gonna play nice?" The goddesses looked between each other, before each nodding. "Good. Now I propose we do a little something to get to know each other, any ideas?"

The girls were silent for a moment, none of them seeming to want to be the one to speak up. Until Rio finally said something. "Back in the barracks we would do some exercises to get to know each other."

"Great! Like what?"

"We would pass something around, and everyone would say how they got to where they were. It's a good way to get to know what someones been through." She offered.

"Oh that's just perfect!" Adara clapped, excitedly. "So what do we pass around?"

Rio shrugged, "We would always pass around a grenade, but anything will work."

Adara hid her discomfort behind a smile. "Ok, then. Well, given that we don't have any grenades on hand," She searched the room, her eyes landing on an apple in the center of the table. "We'll use this! Whoever is holding the magic apple will speak, everyone else will listen." She tossed the apple to Rio, who caught it with one hand. "You'll start since you know how to play best."

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