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Nasima nearly gagged as she stepped over a pile of muck on the ship's deck. It was filthy compared to the ships in her home. They were always in the most pristine shape, nothing like the ship she was on now.

"Not up to your standards?" Rio asked from where she was standing at the railing. The ship was rocking yet she stood unnerved.

"Not exactly." Nasima cringed and joined Rio at her side. "This boat is filthy."

"I can't argue about that." Rio laughed. "But at least the view is beautiful." She pointed out to the horizon where the stars littered the dark blue sky and the three moons shone bright above.

"I can't argue about that." Nasima said, repeating her words.

They sat in silence for a moment, their thoughts heavier than the boat itself. They had known each other long enough to know that they didn't mind the silence. In fact most of their time together was spent in just that.

Still, when Keithia came into view Nasima couldn't help but break the silence. Especially, not after seeing the way Rio looked at her. It was the same way she looked at Eabe. But this time, it couldn't happen. Rio was a good friend of hers now, she wouldn't let her fall for someone like Keithia. There was no future there, the girl was already losing her mind.

"She looks comfortable." Nasima scoffed.

Keithia moved around the ship as though she had owned it herself. She organized, pulled, and knotted ropes. She moved as though she was made for the sea, yet she was the goddess of nature.

"Mhm," Rio hummed, "She falls into her environment quickly."

"We never really talked about it, you know."

Rio rolled her eyes, "Let's keep it that way."

"I don't know, I think you're dying to tell someone." Nasima teased.

"The embarrassment eats away at me enough as is, I needn't tell anyone else."

"Yes, I suppose it is quite embarrassing to fall for someone so utterly insane."

Nasima had expected Rio to snap at her, tell her to never talk about Keithia like that, but she didn't. She only nodded, agreeing with Nasima that yes, she was crazy, but yes, somehow Rio had fallen for her.

"You need to be careful. It's more than embarrassing and it could potentially hurt you more than you imagine. She's already lost her mind."

"Yeah, thanks Nasima." Rio said reluctantly. She got up from her lean on the railing and headed off into the darkness of the ship.

Nasima was alone now, looking out into the darkness. At that moment, she wasn't sure if it was because of the darkness or because she was alone once again but she felt utterly lonely. It wasn't the first time she had wished Eabe was here with her and it wouldn't be the last.

She wondered what her girlfriend would be doing now? Would she be in bed, or would she still be awake cleaning the castle? And would she be thinking of Nasima while she did it.

Eabe wasn't the only one Nasima thought of. Her family was on her mind too. She knew she would never see them again, and somehow it was better than knowing if there was even a small chance.

At least she didn't have to waste her time being hopeful.

She pushed herself off of the railing, joining the rest of the goddesses in the center of the ship. The sun had set and the crew had finished their work for the day. The alcohol had been brought out, and with it the few rations of food they had. While most of the crew were drinking there were a few with their instruments out playing music to entertain the rest.

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