~ Start of Hope ~

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Bakugou's POV

This day is dumb. This class is dumb. Deku is just bullshit. Like why he even has to be All Might's secret love child. I am a way better person to have All Might look after. I have a better quirk, I have a better style, I am just way better in person. This is probably why my life is so bad. It is all because of Deku. He ruined it. He is the reason why I have anger issues. Bullshit, that's all I can say. Bull, Shit. This is making me angry, and my therapist said that I should try to stay calm. But it's helpless, I will never be able to calm down.

Great, now the feelings are getting to my head. My nose and under my eyes are starting to tingle. Little tears are blurring my sight. I am trying to hide it from everyone, no one should see this. I will be mocked for life if anyone sees this. I can't deal with this bullshit anymore. Life and everyone. I am wiping the tears on my sleeve before anyone can see.

I have to grab the sides of my desk to stop me from falling over or breaking loose. I look over at Deku, he is talking to everyone so kindly, and everyone likes him. This isn't fair, why can everyone like him but not me? Am I that much of a bitch? God Damnit. I am clenching my jaw. I can feel heat form from my hands.

"Are you alright Bakugou?" A calming voice said.

I stared up at the voice, all I could do was stutter at him.

"I'll take that as a no," He chuckled," How about we go get coffee after class? To hang out and clear our minds? I know it has been rough since you got taken by the villains." He was saying as he played with his ring. He definitely planned this out and was nervous. His red spiked up hair, white headband, and his smile was so good looking. Wait, stop. I don't like him, get out of my head. I'll say yes just to be nice. My mom and therapist would be happy that I am getting out.

"Hello? Earth to Bakugou?" He said, raising one eyebrow.

"Oh uh, yeah I'll hang out with you.." I said quietly, "I am only doing this to be nice, so don't think of any bullshit." I added, just so he knew.

"How manly of you then, thanks. Meet me at the coffee shop around the corner at 4:30. Cya then." He smiled.

I just nod at him. He walks away. That was a weird interaction. I lifted my hand up to wipe my forehead and realized I had burnt the table. I just stared at it. But if Aizawa sensei sees this, I will be cleaning the dorms for weeks. I try to rub it off with my sleeve, but I am making little progress.

God Damnit, why now. What if someone is watching me struggle? All I can do is cover it with books or something. It will have to do. I grab some books that I will never read in my life and place it right on the burn mark. I'll be the first to leave so no one notices.

This turned into the longest 20 minutes of my life, all I was worried about was the burn mark. I don't even remember what Aizawa sensei was even talking about. Damnit. But luckily, he said that we could go. I left as soon as possible to get to my dorm. Almost running to get there. I opened the door slightly, slipped in, and shut the door as fast as I could.

My room is slightly messy, the beds not made, my desk is filled with random stuff, and there is a little bit of clothes laid across the room. But I don't give two shits, no one comes in here. I am not trying to impress anyone. It's already 3:00, so I need to get dressed. I don't want to be late because that's rude, but being early is just creepy. I could be almost late, that's something I would do.

I searched my room to figure out what to wear. I put on my green camo, cargo pants, and black tank top. I find my black, cropped, coat with orange lettering. I then put on small, hooped earrings. Of course, they are black. I needed to look good, but not too good. I don't need to look like the piece of shit I did earlier, so this was a good change.

The last thing I do is put on my black leather boots. I then try to get out of the building as fast as I can, so no one notices that I am leaving.

"Kachan? Where are you going? I haven't seen you get out of the dorms in a while." Said the most annoying voice I know.

I just flip him off, stick out my tongue, and leave. I open the door and feel the nice cool air on my face. Getting out of the dorms is nice, not being cooped up is even better. I look at my watch, it's 4:00. I still have time to get there, but I can't get there at exactly 4:30. I could walk around a little bit. I'll probably do that.

I walk around for a bit; I kick some rocks as I go. There are a lot of homeless dogs and cats. It's a little sad. There are a lot of sketchy people, probably villains, but I don't care. Time passes, 4:15, 4:20, 4:25. Then finally 4:30. I make my way to the coffee shop. I am regretting saying less a little bit, I am not good with human interactions. My heart is pumping, I am breathing hard. Why am I acting like this, it's not like it's a date. Is it? Stop, stop, stop. You don't like him and he doesn't like you. Stop thinking about this stuff. Just go in, that's all you need to do.

I walk in and see him instantly. His hair is down, he has a black head band, a black hoodie, and a gray coat. He looks good. I can't lie. He is looking down at his hand, fidgeting with a straw. He looks up slightly and spots me. He smiles and waves me over. I walk over calmly, even though I am freaking out a little bit. I am really nervous for not fucking reason.

"Glad you showed up, I didn't think you would." He chuckled while looking at me.

The look in his eyes is confusing me. Is this even real?

"Well, I need to get out of the... Wait. Don't take this in a weird way you dumbass," I pointed at him," I am not normally like this, don't think I have changed." I glare at him.

"Yes, I know Bakugou, you never really change" he said while laughing.

I can feel my face heat up, what is happening. I don't like him, stop, stop, stop. He can't see you like this. I look down, trying to hide my face, but I think that he already knows. God damnit.

Luckily someone that works here saved my ass.

"Do you two know what you would like to order?"

"Yes, I'll take a Latte please. He will take a..." Kirishima said.

"Oh, um. I'll take a Mocha. Thanks." I say awkwardly.

We sat there for a little moment. I just think. Does he like me? The way he looks at me, the way he jokes, has the world finally given me something good? No, this is just a big joke. There is no way that he likes someone like me, no way. This is bullshit.

"So... Whatcha thinking about? I didn't think we would get this far," He chuckled," I honestly thought that you wouldn't show up. It's a little funny. I don't have anything planned for once." He smiled.

"You plan stuff?" I scoff, "I never plan stuff and I always am the best. You just have to relax." I went on for a little bit about how good I am.

" It's just like hero work. All I do is swoop in and destroy the villain. Sometimes you need a plan, and sometimes you don't. Half the time I have a plan. You just need to figure out a way that you can get them without them getting you. It's easy. Try to figure out how to capture, or hurt, from a distance. That's how you become the best." I say very proudly.

"Well, that's very easy for you to say. You have an explosion quirk. You can hit someone from far away. I have to get up close to them to use my body, that's the only way." He said, sounding a little bummed.

"That's not true. Create a distraction or use your surroundings. Like rip up the ground and throw it at them. You can harden, so it wouldn't hurt you. I see the damn nerd do it all the time. He either throws, or hides himself so he can sneak behind you. It's really annoying, but it works." I fold my arms and lock eyes. This was the only time I have been really serious.

"Wow, you are really good at giving advice about hero work. Especially when you say something about Midoriya." He teased.

"What? Shut up you dumbass! I was trying to give you damn advice. It was good shit too." I said angrily.

"I know, I know. I was just joking. It was good advice. I'll try it out next time I do hero work. Thank you" He chuckled nervously, putting his right hand on his neck.

"You better use it. I don't just give free advice." I snapped.

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