~Definitely more~

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I open the door and walk into the hall. Closing the door behind me. The first person I see is Deku carrying a bunch of books.

"Kachan, W-what are you doing in Kirishima's room?" He stared at me awkwardly, "And why are you shirtless..."

"Wait, it's not what you fucking think! I was just getting something that he stole! Nothing weird you dumbass nerd!" A snap at him while taking a step at him.

"Ahh! I am sorry Kachan! I didn't mean anything like that! I was just...Just-" He ran off before he could finish.

God. What a weirdo. We wouldn't do anything like that. Even though, it would probably be nice. No, no stop. Don't think like that, you whore. I need to get back to my room before it looks even more odd.

I rush into my room and hurry to get dressed. I throw on baggy black pants, a tight black shirt, and a red zip up hoodie. I leave my hair the same as when I woke up, it looks messy no matter what. So, it will have to do. I hurry and throw on my sneakers and I am out of the door. I walk back to Kiri's dorm to wait for him. I lean against the wall by his dorm and pull out my phone.

He definitely has more pride for what he looks like than me. I waited a good 5 minutes until he was done. He finally opened the door and headed out.

"Oh hey, how long were you waiting out here? Sorry if you had to wait long." he nervously laughed.

"It's fine dummy, I didn't have to wait long." I smiled slightly at him. He was wearing a loose black tank top and tight blue jeans. This time his hair was spiked up instead of down. I like his messy hair a little more than it being done, but he still looks good-looking.

"Let's go. I have no clue where we are going, but let's start heading." I put my hands in my pocket while I started to walk.

"We could go to the mall." He said as he caught up to me," I heard from Mina that it's pretty fun. The girls go there all the time, so why not."

"Yeah sure, let's go there. I have no better options." I say blankly.

The mall is farther than the coffee shop, so we decided not to walk. We took my car after a little argument of who to drive. He wanted to be manly since I paid, but I dragged his ass into my car.

The car ride was mostly loud. My rock music blaring and Kiri trying to get me to drive like a "normal person". After a while, we finally got there.

"Remind me to never drive with you again..." Kiri said as he stumbled out of my car.

I scoff,"Oh come on. I don't even drive that bad." I start to walk to the mall.

"Next time we go somewhere, I am driving. You are going to make me car sick on the way back." He dizzily ran up to me.

"Whatever you say." I stuck my tongue out.

The mall was huge., and there was no one there. I don't even know where to start. Should we get food? Maybe check out some stores? I have no clue, but Kiri might.

"Where do you want to start? I am not good with shopping. You can control what we do for the day." I look at his amazed face.

"I don't even know where to start. This place is huge!" He was looking around with wide eyes. "Let's go get some drinks! We could drink them while we go shopping and stuff." He excitedly said. He grabbed my wrist and basically ran to the soda shop. I was tripping over my own feet as he dragged me. We got to the soda shop in no time. We ordered our drinks and of course, Kiri paid. He wouldn't even let me get my card out before he gave his to the employee. I got a Mountain Dew with some raspberry in it, and Kiri got a Dr. Peper with mango and coconut. They were good drinks, and Kiri looked like he was enjoying it.

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