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Jisoo's Perspective

I was focusing on my class as the history teacher was discussing the chapter. I had no intention of failing classes so I tried to focus although I was getting bored.

I remember very clearly how Taehyung came up to me and asked me to his friend. I did say yes as I was tired of being lonely.

The bell rang, indicating the class had come to an end. A sigh escaped my lips in relief because if I sat there a little more, I might have passed out from the boredom.

The teacher left the room. The students packed their bags and started leaving for their homes. I finished packing and headed towards the door to open.

As soon as I opened it, I faced the person standing there leaning on the wall and using his phone. "What are you doing here?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

"Oh, hey, Jisoo! I was waiting for you." He said in a cheerful voice which made me want to coo because he looked adorable doing that but then I realised.

I realised what he said. I was in shock as this was the first time in a long time someone waited for me. He waited for me. "You waited for me? Why?"

"Because I wanted to drop you off at your home if it's alright with you, of course." He plainly said like it was not a big deal and he is used to  that stuff.

"You want to drop me at my house?" Although I heard him very clearly, I asked him. He nodded his head as a yes. I am not used to this. I am not used to having friends.

"You don't want that? It's okay if you don't find me comfortable to be with you yet." He was very understanding and a very good person at heart. I can sense that.

I did notice him all the time. I notice everyone all the time but they do not notice me. He must be the first person to do that besides my fake old friends.

Where was he before? I should not get too ahead of myself. Maybe, he is not as I think he is and he will betray me too or leave me all alone. But I still want to cherish him.

I want to cherish him for asking me to be his friend. I want to cherish this friendship if it is real. Even if he is here for me for a little while and will leave me be.

I want to cherish this little time. I want to make use of this time and want a friendship. "Hey!" I was so lost in the thoughts that I even forgot to answer him.

"Thank you for the kind offer but I think I will pass." His smile looked somewhat sad now but it was gone in a blink. "You can walk me to the main gate though. I don't mind."

His smile was now replaced with a happy one. "Okay." He said in his cheerful tone again. A smile made its way on my lips too unconsciously.

We started walking beside each other in silence. It was not an awkward one instead a comfortable one. Maybe he did not like silence because he broke it.

"Can I call you by a nickname if it's okay with you?" This is really new to me. My eyes grew wide but he did not notice it. "You can call me by one too." He continued.

I hummed as a response. "Okay." He put a finger on his chin as he stopped walking and started thinking. I wanted to laugh at that. "How about Chu?" He asked.

I gave it a thought and it sounded nice. "I think it is okay." He nodded in agreement. "Should I call you Tae?" I looked at him. I was getting nervous for no reason.

"Yes, please. It sounds so nice when you say it." I laughed at that. It felt light laughing this freely after a long time. I noticed him staring at me which made me stop laughing.

"Why did you stop? Laugh all you want. It is my first time seeing you laugh so openly." He stated. I gave him a quick smile and pinched his cheeks softly.

"You are cute." I complimented him because he deserves it. I am sure I saw his ears going slightly red if I am not wrong. He looked away from me. Like I said, cute.

We started walking again with complete comfortable silence once again. A thought crossed my mind. I was hesitant if I should ask him this or not but I went with my gut.

"Why did you want to become my friend?" This thought was lingering in my mind from the start when he asked me to be his friend. I hesitantly looked at him.

The smile was still there on his face. Why did I not notice until now that he had such a beautiful smile? "Because you are different from others."

For some unknown reason, my heart started beating fast. "You are quiet and not nosy like some people. I can relate with you so much because we are both introverts."

"We both don't know how to get along with others and that's why we got along with each other. You are quiet and pretty too. As you can see, I don't have any friends either."

I smiled the whole time. I was feeling strange for some reason. A strange sensation on my stomach. He complimented me so well that it could have melted me.

We both relate with each other. Maybe, he is not like them at all. He is not some fake person. "I am really sorry for doubting you. I thought you wanted to make fun of me."

"It's okay. You might have had a very bad experience with your past friends. Don't worry. I will treat you well and will never hurt you." We shared a long eye contact.

I can tell this friendship will last longer than I expected. We reached the main gate and exited the school. "See you tomorrow then, Tae." I waved at him.

He nodded. "Yes, see you tomorrow, Chu." He waved back at me and we parted to go on our own separate ways but with a lasting smile. I hope tomorrow comes faster.

To Be Continued.....

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