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Jisoo's Perspective

This is so wrong. This feels so wrong. This feeling should not have started in the first place. We are friends and there should be nothing more to it.

This feeling is what someone calls love is really a wrong feeling but it feels great at the same time. I was wondering how I got these in the first place and when it started.

Taehyung and I were in the library, reading some books as our exams were coming. I felt someone staring at me so I turned my head only to find Taehyung staring at me.

It was like, he was hypnotized because he did not even move when I tapped his shoulder. He was staring directly into my soul and it made my heart flutter.

"The way you see me makes me believe like I am the only person in the world." I chuckled when he flinched after I said that line. It was somewhat true, he stared like that.

"Well, maybe?" He muttered under his breath but I heard it very clearly and it made my heart race at that. Does he...like me too? He noticed my shock expression.

"W-What did you say?" I stuttered a little and wanted to punch myself for that nervousness. I chuckled to hide my nervousness which I already showed to him.

"I didn't say anything. Don't mind it." He chuckled awkwardly, I can feel. I heard him very clearly to not mind it but thinking our tension arose, I decided to change the topic.

"Anyways, I think I am so beautiful that you had to stare that long at my face instead of focusing on your studies." I flipped my hair as a proud moment I had.

I was starting to become confident. He helped me gain that confidence. First, around him then around the others and I am really thankful for that to him.


Taehyung's Perspective

I chuckled lightly when she proudly flexed her looks. She thinks she is pretty and she is right. She hit my shoulder suddenly taking me by surprise.

"Why did you hit me?" I rubbed the place she hit me and whined. It was a really strong punch for sure. She squinted her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Stop looking at my face and focus or else you'll fail and I'll kill you too." She gave me a quick glare which was enough for me to be scared.


Jisoo's Perspective

I think a confession should be made whether it breaks our friendship or not but regrets would not be felt. This friendship is really precious to me but I think we have a chance.

If it does not go the other way then we can stay as friends. I am confident that he likes me too so he will accept my confession.

If it were someone other than him, I would have never dared to confess because people are scary but he is an exception.

He should have made the first move but I think he is hesitant and there is nothing wrong about that. It is not his fault because I am feeling that too right now.

It is because I am on my way to confess to him. I hope it goes well for us. There is no turning back now. I should not be wrong and he should not reject me.

I can see the students coming out of the classroom and spotted him too. He waved at me and made his way to me. Here goes nothing.

To Be Continued.....

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