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Hel's gaze remained on the floor even as Odin pressed her, "He succeeded in regaining the Sword of Ages?! Why is it not in my possession then?!"
Hel's voice was a soft, quiet whisper, "You never specified the sword had to be returned to you Allfather, only that it had to be retrieved, which it has been."
The hall of Asgard went deadly silent as the Norse Gods, and Ares, looked between Odin and Hel.
They hadn't gotten the chance to bask in the aftermath of their intense session for long before they were called upon by the Allfather. Leave it to him to ruin a perfect moment.

Namira looked to Thor then, questioning whether they should step in without speaking the words but Thor offered the lightest shake of the head in answer.
Odin's anger was palpable as he stepped forward, "Loki has proven himself a traitor. Asgard will not accept his return. If he sets foot here, he shall lose his life."

Soft murmurs of disapproval echoed throughout the hall, some protesting louder. Freyr spoke up then, "He has done nothing to be branded a traitor by you, he has done what you asked. He's not at fault for bending the terms when you failed to make them specific. Call him forth if you wish to amend that, but don't punish him for a mistake of your own."
Namira regarded the God of Lust and Love, amazed by the sense of justice the golden God kept showing and the openness with which he spoke when he felt it was something worth speaking up for.Some Gods knocked their cups on the table before them to signal their agreement and support, including both Namira and Thor.

Odin nodded at this, "I summon you Loki. Attest to your wrongdoings and see if you deserve forgiveness."
Ironic, giving that these trials were all set up for him to earn that forgiveness.
Loki appeared almost instantly, the Sword of Ages strapped on his back, "You called?"
There was an air of arrogance around the Trickster God, who took clear pride in having successfully retrieved the blade that had been lost and – at least seemingly – appear unscathed.
Odin looked at him, that silent fury still stewing, "The Sword of Ages was not meant to remain in your possession."

Loki feigned innocence, a light grin on his lips. "Oh? I thought it added a touch of flair to my ensemble. Besides, you never specified I had to return it to you."
Odin's one eye narrowed with impatience. "You were sent on a quest to earn forgiveness, not to hoard powerful artifacts. The Sword of Ages is not a mere trinket. It holds the key to our survival."
Loki chuckled, twirling the sword in his hand as he drew it from the scabbard on his back. "Survival, you say? And why, do tell, would we need the Sword of Ages for that?"

Odin's voice dropped to a growl. "The realms are shifting, Loki. Forces beyond our control threaten to unravel the very fabric of existence if we do not step in. The Sword of Ages is the only weapon capable of sealing the breaches between realms and preserving the balance. It must be returned to its rightful place."
Loki's eyes sparkled with mischief, "Where is this rightful place you speak of? And, more importantly, what's in it for me, dear Father? What will I gain by returning this blade?"
Odin's patience waned. "Because, Loki, this quest meant you were meant to be a part of the solution, not the problem."

Loki sighed dramatically. "Fine, fine. I'll consider returning the sword, but only if you promise me a favour in return."
Odin's eye flashed with irritation. "This is not a negotiation, Loki."

Loki smirked, leaning in conspiratorially. "Oh, but Father, when has anything in Asgard been straightforward? I'm sure we can come to an agreement. If this blade is important as you say, it must mean something to you. You're not trying to take it from me, so I suspect I must offer it to you willingly."

Loki's head tilted to the sight, "What of aid in one of the other two quests?"
His gaze travelled to Ares, sitting on Namira's other side, before that wicked grin played on his face again, "I see we've found ourself working with the Olympians. Perhaps I can aid in further improving that connection. Ares might be able to tell me more of his home, what they need, how I could help and perhaps even help me enter Olympus to create that balance that was spoken of."
His eyes landed on Namira then, "Perhaps she can lend a hand in negotiations I might partake in."

Thor's eyes sparked with anger, thunder echoing in the distance at Loki's suggestion, but Odin merely nodded, "Very well. They can help you, if you now return this blade to me."
Loki bowed his head in acceptance, offering the sword to Odin, "As you wish, Father."

Namira stared at Loki in shock, while Ares's eyes held that fiery anger, his hands tightly gripping the arm rests as he tried to control his temper. He didn't like choices being made for him.
Thor rose then, "I too will then offer Loki my aid in succeeding to build an alliance with a distant realm. Beginnings have been made, but there's much to agree on still. I will not leave Namira to deal with my brother alone."
Across the table Freyr rose too, "I offer my aid as well, my gifts may further aid this purpose."

Loki grinned at this, "Lady Namira and her loyal mutts, how lovely. If you all insist, I can do nothing but accept the aid I've been offered."
Namira felt the nerves at those words. She, unlike Thor and Freyr, hadn't offered her help at all. It had been decided for her and she didn't appreciate it.
Casting a brief look at Ares she realised he was equally bothered by the situation. Sharing that anger she silently whispered to the God of War, "We will help, but no one said we had to make it easy or do any work for him."

Ares's lips curved up in a smile, "Devious divine woman you are. Every moment I understand more of why he likes you, we we all do."


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