Thor's grip tightened around Mjölnir as a surge of jealousy coursed through him. Namira's gaze flickered in Thor's direction, her eyes briefly meeting his before she turned her attention back to Ares as she offered him one of her apples.
Thor couldn't bear the thought of another vying for the attention of the woman he loved, especially not the God before him now that he himself had an intimate history with.

Without a word, Thor swung Mjölnir in a powerful arc, releasing a thunderous boom that echoed through the hall. The air crackled with lightning as the mighty hammer hurtled toward Ares, who, caught off guard, barely managed to summon a shimmering shield to deflect the blow and escape its path even as he ate the apple swiftly.
Ares grinned, his eyes ablaze with the thrill of battle as his strength grew. "So, the mighty Thor is a jealous little thing," he taunted, dodging another swing of Mjölnir with a swift sidestep. "It seems the God of Thunder fears losing his place... or are you jealous I didn't make you this offer?"

"Ares," Thor's voice thundered through the hall, "what game are you playing? My place here is not on the line and there's no place here for you to claim"
Ares smirked, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Ease yourself, Sparkles, I only offered my services. There's no need for your thunderous theatrics."

Thor's grip on Mjolnir tightened further, crackling with electricity, but Ares, still unimpressed just continued, "Love is not a battlefield you can conquer with brute force. Namira deserves a God at her side who understands the art of war, the passion that burns within and offers his service to her freely, willingly. I am merely here to serve."
Thor's response was a primal roar as he unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts from Mjölnir, each strike aiming to bring Ares to his knees. Ares, however, proved himself a worthy opponent even with just a hint of his strength returned, easily evading or parrying with his sword and countering with swift, calculated strikes of his own.

The clash between the two gods sent shockwaves through the realm. Namira had observed the spectacle with a smile, her gaze shifting between the combatants. It amazed her to see the two in battle, not quite evenly matched but Ares put up a good fight nonetheless. As, however, Thor's lightning and hammer started sailing a path toward her tree, Namira felt a ripple of protective annoyance, "Enough!"
Her voice carried as a high pitched shriek, but it did the job as both Gods paused mid-battle.

Ares sheathed his sword and flashed her a grin, "My apologies my lady, I ... There's no excuse, I wanted to test this returned power and provoked him without need. You have my word I'll give it more thought in the future."
Again he took to his knee before her even as Thor rolled his eyes at the man in exasperation.

The portal rippled behind them as the Norse Pantheon started to appear, alarmed by the effects of the fight between Thor and Ares that had resounded throughout all the realm. With the Gods at the ready to fight him, Ares's gaze remained solely fixed on Namira, "Now would be a lovely time to accept my offer, m'lady, preferably before the rest of your pantheon interferes."

Namira glanced at Thor briefly, confused and with a moment of hesitation before her eyes shifted over the protectors of the pantheon that had gathered, "Before all those gathered here, I accept your offer of servitude and surrender to our pantheon, to have you stay as a means to guarantee the peace between our pantheons. You will be treated as our guest, but the moment you make a move against us, by action or by thought, you are cast out and robbed of any power you've been granted and no other of your pantheon will ever be invited in turn. Do you vow to adhere to this?"

Ares grinned at the additional conditions, then nodded, "I vow to adhere to this."
The binding ripple went through the air even as Thor vanished through the portal wordlessly.
It was Freyr who stepped forward, joining Namira's side as he felt the ripple of sadness coming from her. He leaned in close to her, whispering soft, "Gods are throwing themselves at your feet now? If I'd known all it took was to offer myself up as your servant... Oh darling, what fun we would've had already."
Namira laughed at his words despite herself, her eyes on the portal in the distance, "Where would he have gone?
Freyr offered a light shrug, "He'll return once he's calmed himself a little."

He turned his gaze to the other Gods still gathered, "Share the word of Ares's vow and his role in our realm now. Make sure everyone knows he is a guest, not an enemy, as long as he is with us with honour."

Ares remained, kneeling at the base of Yggdrasil, before Namira, wordlessly waiting. Freyr looked at the God of War and teased, "I never imagined you offering up your freedom, Ares, why now?"
Namira watched as Ares lifted his face, his fiery gaze on her again as he grinned and spoke softly, "Sometimes, one must see the worth of what is offered before them. Pride doesn't always lead to victory."
Freyr chuckled at that, "How poetic. One might start to question if your role has changed."

Ares's eyes darkened with the promise of battle as his jaw ticked in irritation, "I know it is a foreign concept to your pantheon, with all the monsters your kin beds and breeds... but in my pantheon, we learn the value of servitude and honour, of showing respect where it is due and making sacrifice in order to achieve brilliance."

Namira studied the God of War curiously, impressed, before she looked at Freyr, "I've accepted his stay in our realm, but... where can he stay?"
Freyr looked down at Ares, who still knelt, but now with a satisfied grin, "He stays with you, Namira, you accepted his servitude at any time you might desire, so he'll be... near you, so that he can fulfil his vow at any moment, any time."

Namira's eyes widened as her lips parted in a soft gasp at the realisation. Now she understood why Thor had minded, why he'd tried to stop this. She hadn't realised what she had agreed to and now it couldn't be undone, "I have to find Thor."

Right now that was her only concern.


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