𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𓇽

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I laid in the bed, exposed and shaking. The marks he left as a reminder of what he could do to me burned my skin. Leaving permanent memories, nightmares, pain. I would never forget what he did to me.

I was too afraid to move, worried someone would pin me back down the second my feet touched the grown. I just laid in that bed, eyes starring at the ceiling, mind racing at a million thoughts a minute. How did I let this happen?

Once I felt the boat stop moving, I quickly got up and scanned the room to locate my dress. I found it sprawled out on the floor, dreading the thought of having something he bought for me touching my skin. I carefully put the dress back on, and made my way out of the room and to the dock. I was moving quickly, my mind clouded with a million thoughts, only concentrated on leaving this boat and going home to Diego. I needed to make sure he was ok.

As I was about to get off the boat, Topper spotted me. He started to run to catch me, not wanting me to leave.

"hey Briella wait" he called out. My feet never stopped, carrying me far away from this horrible place. "Brie, just hold on a second please"

He finally caught up to me, using his hand to grab mine and stop me. I immediately pulled it away, backing away. "Don't— Don't touch me" I stuttered, worried he might have something to do with this whole thing.

"Sorry, sorry. Look, don't go near Rafe, like ever again. It will end probably worse than tonight. He has done this before, I keep telling him he is gonna get caught one day." he rambled, the guilt evident in his worried tone. "Please don't go to the police, you'll be the one who ends up in trouble, the Cameron have a way with the law." he warned me, and my gut told me he was being honest.

I couldn't bring myself to speak, still too shook from what had just occurred. The look on Topper's face showed me that he truly meant well, but his friend was an uncontrollable psycho.

"Do you want me to call like Sarah or someone? They could come get you.."

"'No, don't call the Pogues." I interjected, that would be the last thing she wanted. They don't care about her enough to want to help with this. She wouldn't be a sorry case for them to fix. "I'm just going to walk back home, it's like 45 mins I'll be fine"

"I'll give you a lift come on" he offered, but didn't give me a choice. I wanted to decline, but my body was too sore to argue. We walked to his care in silence, and I typed the adresse into his phone. No words were exchanged at all, we sat in silence, I scratched my wrists to try at get my hands to stop shaking. My leg was bouncing, breath quickening, I was a mess.

We pulled up to my house and I had never been so relieved to see a dark house. I got out the car, mumbled a quick thank you to Topper and made my way into the house. I heard his car leave, and that is when it hit me. I was about to walk into a house with Papa, and I was wearing expensive jewelry, dress, and shoes and looked like I had spent over 15 grand. I was supposed to give every pay check to him. And, last he saw me I fought back.

The relief I had, thinking the house was at peace, was taken away the second I opened the door and was greeted by an alcohol smelling Papa.


JJ was chilling with the Pogues at the chateau. Sarah was only coming later, so it was just JB, JJ and Pope. No one knew about JJ plan to see Briella tonight, and that was perfect. He could leave without them questioning and tormenting him about what he is going to say and do. This way, he could be left alone to his thoughts and worries without the added pressure from his friends.

"It has been so peaceful lately, literally nothing bad has happened to us in like a month" Pope stated, sipping on his beer.

"It has been, but guys I really think I'm on to something with my dad" John B said, quickly changing the subject back to his dad again. It is all this guy has been talking about for the past week.

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