Chapter Six - Alternative Persuasions

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"Her resistance to the mind-probe is considerable. It will be some time before we can extract any information from her."

Darth Vader's words had barely reached the ears or the men around him when one said, "The final checkout is completed. All systems are operational. What course shall we set.?"

Governor Tarkaan looked thoughtful. "Perhaps she would respond to... an alternative form of persuasion."

"What do you mean?" demanded Vader.

"I think it is time we demonstrated the full power of this station," the governor said quickly. "Set your course for Alderan."

"With pleasure," replied the man at the controls.

Lili, alone in her room, suddenly saw a planet explode in her mind's eye. She jumped. Though she'd lived with it her whole life, seeing things like that happen never ceased to shock her.

Quickly she stood from where she sat, a half-finished sketch of Princess Leia falling to the floor.

She ran out into the corridors and toward her father's favorite observation window. He was there, staring out into space. He appeared to be deep in thought.

"Father?" said quietly.

Vader's head turned.

"Father, is the Death Star operational yet?"

"It is."

"Do you plan to test it soon?"

"We do."

Lili took a deep breath. "Father, may I join you when you test it?"

He did not respond immediately, and for a moment, Lili was sure he was going to turn her down. Or worse - ask her why, but he didn't.

"Of course, Lili. Be in the control room in an hour."

Lili betrayed nothing. "Yes, Father."

"We've entered the Alderan system." Leia heard those words faintly, but she couldn't guess what they meant. However, with each step bringing her closer to the voices, she supposed she soon would. She didn't think she wanted to.

Darth Vader and two guards were leading her into a room with a large observation window. There were very few people in this room, but one of them was that light-haired girl Leia had seen before.

Her focus was not on the girl, though. It was on the gray-haired man standing closest to the window.

"Governor Tarkaan," she said. "I should've expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board."

The man smirked. "Charming, to the last." Tweaking her cheek, he continued, "You don't know how hard I found it, signing the order to termnate your life."

"I'm surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself."

"Princess Leia," he said, smiling, "before your execution, I would like you to be my guest at the ceremony that will make this battle-station operational. No star system will dare oppose the emperor now."

"The more you tighten your grip, Tark, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."

"Not after we demonstrate the power of this station. In a way, you have determined the choice of the planet that will be destroyed first."

Leia still didn't understand, but at those last words, she knew something bad was about to happen. Something horrible. Suddenly her heart dropped. What had he said she'd determined?

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