For Democracy!

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Gregor POV

When I woke up, everything was sore.  Especially my chest... although I think that's just because Luxa's head is on it.  Speaking of Luxa, her little snores are the most adorable things ever.  I just want to lay in bed all day, and not worry about anything else, just hold Luxa.  

But unfortunately, as the hours pass, Luxa starts stirring, her peaceful state being replaced by a put together, stoic expression.  She gets up and walks to another room, probably going to get dressed.  I stay in the bed, my mind reeling over the past twenty-four hours.  

Knowing those gnawers were still out there haunted me.  How could anyone, or anything, agree with the Bane and what he stood for?  

My thoughts were interrupted as Luxa entered the room again, wearing her armor that had yet to be tied.

"Overlander, could you tie my armor?" he nods, and gently pulls her to him, tying the straps of the armor, noticing her tensing up as the minutes pass.  "Gregor, I am worried.  All I have been striving for is peace.  Yet that is on the brink of being abolished because of these rebel gnawers.  And then they almost killed you, and I do not know what I would do if that happened."  He smiles softly, kissing her temple. 

"I'm right here Luxa, and I can't die.  Seriously though, I've been through like every scenario possible and haven't died.  As for the gnawers, all I can say is that you can handle it.  You're the strongest person I know, if anyone can handle some giant, disobedient rats, it's you.  Plus, you've dealt with Ripred this long, and that's basically the same thing, if not harder."  

She smiles, leaning against him slightly.  "You are right Overlander.  Thank you."

**Time skip because I'm lazy**

A few hours later, and now he's trapped in a meeting.  At least it's with Luxa.  Speaking of Luxa, she seems to be keeping herself awake, but not dropping her tough demeanor.  She has been working herself a lot since we woke up, as I believe this was her fourth council meeting.  The council talks about the gnawer rebels, and the threat growing with them.  

"How are we to know how many there are? There could be thousands!" one of the councilmen declares.

"Gregor told me there were not many, and they were not experienced.  I do acknowledge that they may be only a part of the total rebels, but if we can find all of their bases, we can defeat them one by one."  Luxa tries reasoning, looking like she just wants to leave.

"And why should we listen to the Overlander?  He has only ever showed up to fight, never peacefully.  He has gotten royals, and flyers killed..." Gregor doesn't listen to whatever else the councilmen says, zoning out and mainly just not wanting to hear anything else.

"How dare you?! The warrior has done nothing but sacrifice for us, putting his own life aside to help us, and you criticize him?" Luxa defends him, pissed.  

The councilmen and Luxa continue arguing back and forth for a while, before Vikus puts a stop to it.

"Enough.  I agree with Luxa here, but that still does not mean you should argue like children.  You are on the council, and adults.  Act like it."  Luxa slumps in her seat, obviously angry, but not about to speak back to Vikus.

** Time Skip**

Gregor was getting ready, when he heard a knock at his chambers.

"Gregor?  May we talk?" he heard a soft voice ask from the other side of the door.

"Yeah Lux, of course." she pushes the door open and sits on the edge of his bed, swaying slightly. "Is everything all right?  You look like you're going to pass out."  

Luxa chuckles and drops her head.

"You and I both know I have been through far worse, Overlander.  A little sleep deprivement and exhaustion will not do anything."  Gregor looks at her skeptically and sits next to her on his bed.

"Try to get some sleep at least.  The next council meeting isn't for another few hours.  You need rest, Luxa."  She nods and leans her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.

After a few minutes, Gregor hears adorable, soft little snores coming from her, and at that moment he realized just how deeply in love with her he was.  He brushes the hair from her face softly, admiring her sleeping state.

"Gregor, you are needed from Ripred." Vikus enters the room, smiling slightly at the sight of his granddaughter sleeping peacefully.  "She has been working herself too hard lately.  It is good to see she is resting." 

Gregor nods, and gently lays her head on the mattress, covering her up and kissing her forehead.

"Where is Ripred?" Gregor questions quietly, not wanting to disturb Luxa.

"He said to meet him at the Waterway."  Gregor nods, and begins to exit the room, when he hears Vikus add, "Oh and Gregor? He also said to bring a sword." 

*So I decided to just finish this part because I am in fact not lazy (lie). And because I felt like it*

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