Chapter 2

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"So what are you doing after school?" Scott asks, "nothing planned, me and Isaac just moved here so... no friends" I say letting out a short laugh. "Me and Stiles know what it's like to have no friends, I'm not gonna let that happen to you and Isaac" Scott says reasurringly, "wow thank you so much, that means a lot" I say, "yeah no problem" he replies smiling, "what classes do you have?" he asks, "English, GYM, Science, Math and Chemistry, Isaac has the same also" Stiles jots his head around towards me, "dude we're gonna be closer than you think" he says and gives me a smirk followed with a wink, "we legit have the same classes" Scott says laughing.

At lunch I explain to Isaac about Scott, "friends already?" he asks whilst chewing on a beef burger, "yes, he said we should hang out aterschool" I say, "Coolio" Isaac respnds, "is that him?" Isaac asks biting into his burger pointing over to Scott with his pinky finger, "yes it is" I say. Scott and Stiles sit at our table along with a few others, Scott stands up while everyone is sitting, "guys, this is Mark and Isaac" he announces, "Mark and Isaac, this is Allison" we both smile at her, "hi" she says moving her hair behind her ear, "hi" we say back, "thats Lydia" Scott says pointing at a strawberry blonde who is putting on make up, "hi" we say, she looks at us from the coner of her eye and goes back to doing her make up again, "Lydia, dont be rude" Allison says hitting her arm with her elbow, "hey" Lydia says, "are you happy now Allison?" she says, Allison just smiles,"thats Kira" Scott says, we both wave at her, she smiles and waves back, "thats Jackson" Scott says, I just look at him still thinking about what he did earlier not saying a word to him, "this is Danny and Ethan" he says "hey" we both say, "hi whats up?" they respond, "and this is Stiles, you've already met" Scott says whilst sitting back in his seat, "yep, but he hasnt met Isaac" I say, "hey whats up man?" Stiles says putting his hand across the table for Isaac to shake it, "Im good, thanks for asking" Isaac says whilst proceeding to shake Stiles's hand. With his mouth filled with burger meat Stiles says, "we should go bowling tonight" everyone agrees, "Stiles eat with your mouth closed" Lydia says putting her make up into her handbag, "sorry" he says whilst laughing spitting food over Jackson who was facing him, with bits of meat in his hair Jackson is disgusted and says, "you're gonna regret that" pointing at Stiles, Stiles's emotions went from happy and hyperactive to scared and intemidated in seconds. "Me and Isaac dont know our way about Beacon Hills, so could one of you pick us up later?" I ask, "I will" says Scott, "Coolio" says Isaac. We get too know each other better by talking at lunch, across the table I notice Scott is staring at me and he's smiling, his big brown eyes gazing into mine, I smile at him and he continues to smile back.

Scott catches me before I get on my bus to go home, "I forgot to get your number" he says, his breathing is heavy and it looks like he is about to collapse, "here" he says taking his phone out his pocket and handing it too me, "ok its duh duh duh" I say whilst inputting my number into his phone, "do you want Isaac's number too?" I ask, "you can text me it later" he says. Me and Isaac sit at the front of the bus, we hear a lot of arguing coming from the back of the bus, I turn to see whats going on and people are crowding around a helpless blonde girl around the same age as me and Isaac, one girl stars pushing her whilst she is sitting alone, "hey, leave her alone, she didnt nothing to you, back off" I say, I start walking towrds them, "shes just sitting there by herself, minding her own business" I say, I gently puch past the girls and sit beside her, "whats your name?" I ask, "Its Er--" her amrs start to shake and she falls on my lap shaking like crazy, "someone get help!" I shout, "put something in her mouth" someone shouts, "no dont put anything in her mouth" I shout, I hold her in my arms until she stops shaking, I ignore the fact that she pissed on my leg, She stops sahking after 5 minutes and slowly sits up, "what happened?" I asked, "are you okay?" I add, "I have epilepsy, I get seizures sometimes" she lifts her bag and shows me a card attached to it, "see" she says and points to the card, "nobody should put anything in my mouth when I'm having a seizure because it could break my teeth" she says, "yeah, someone said to put something in your mouth, but I didnt let them" I say, "you protected me? why?" she aks, "I hate bullies, nobody should be brought down by others" I say, "thats very thoughtful and I'm very thankful for what you did" she says, "Im Mark" I say, "thanks Mark, I'm Erica"

Isaac stops by house after school, he may aswell because we're going out later, "no homework on the first day back is amazing" I say, "I know right" Isaac replies, I try on a few tops and stick my good pair of skinny jeans, "what do you think, Maroon or Green?" I ask, "hmmm.. I like the Maroon one" Isaac says, "thats what I was thinking also" I say along with a laugh, "are you not getting dressed dude? you can borrow one of my shirts" I say to Isaac, "noh man I'm good like this, It's only bowling" Isaac says, "suit yourself" I say, "yep" he replies. I quckly wash my face and brush my teeth before I go downstairs to ask my mum for money, "hey mum, can I have a few dollars for bowling?" I ask, "bowling? with who?" she asks, "some friends me and Isaac made today" I reply, she looks at me In a way to say 'how did you make friends?' "okay is twenty good?" she asks, "yeah thats perfect, thank you" I say, "what about Isaac, does he need any money?" she asks, my mum was always very thoughtful she never left anyone out, "this twenty should be enough for both of us anways" I say. My phone vibrates in my pocket, "1 new message" It reads, "Hey Mark, Scott here, me and Stiles are ready to go what is your address?" I reply, "Hey Scott my address is 24 Lincoln Park" he replies "Okay, we're on our way, our car is a blue jeep". I give my mum a kiss before I leave, Me and Isaac wait outside, "so do you like him?" Isaac asks, "what?" I say in shock, "Scott... do you like him?" he asks, "what makes you say that?" I say, "Dude its obvious, you were basically drooling over your food at lunch today when you were looking at him" he says, "wow, did anyone else see?" I ask, "I don't think so, but hey I dont blame you he is cute" he says, "ok, cool" I say. A blue jeep is spotted in the distance, it comes and brake stops at the end of my yard, "Ouch dude, you gave me whiplash" Scott says, "sorry" Stiles replies, "Hey hop in" Stiles says.

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