No way I say noticing it's the guy from last night getting out of his car.
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Oh no why doesn't she have tinted windows I say sinking into the seat as he looks my way. As I waiting till he walks far away Mercedes comes knocking on my window scaring me out of my thoughts. Hey your good to come inside she says opening my door. As I get out of the car I see the man getting closer to us. Oh no I say rushing into the building as I hear a faint "wait" from the man. You bitch you knew he would be here I say to Mercedes as we walk farther through the halls of the building. Well duh he's on the Monday night roster she says taking me to a food area while the match is about to start. As I'm watching the tv I notice they are about to introduce some main event but I just keep my focus on the food on my plate until I hear loud intro music as I look up its the man again as I read the blue sign above his head it's reads Jey Uso. Hmmm Jey Uso I say quietly to myself he was wearing all blue which really made him stick out to me the whole match
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As I'm caught in my thoughts I am quickly approached by John.Wassup uce he says making me turn my attention away from the good looking man on the television. Hey I say back watching as John takes a seat next to me. Just checking on you you've never been to a match before right he says stealing food off my plate. Um no I say curious on how this man was so comfortable with me. Well you family so after this match is over come to last room on the right it's where we hang after matches he says still chewing on the food in his mouth. You don't go out there I ask seeing he was dressed in regular clothes. Nah I'm on Friday night smack down he says standing up. Oh ok well thanks for the invite I say as he's about the walk away. Yeah and yo ass better come too he says walking away to talk to other people. As I get up to throw my plate away my eyes are still glued to the screen and I see the fast movements occurring. Is that your boyfriend some girl ask me. Oh no I'm just a guest here I say officially throwing my plate away. Oh I'm sorry just the way you were so intently staring at the screen she says smiling. Oh yeah great match you know I say trying to end the conversation seeing that the match had officially ended. Oh well hope to see you around more my names Gionna but here I'm Liv Morgan the girl in all blacks says.
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It's nice to meet you hope I can see you around sometime I say walking away trying to find the room John mentioned earlier. As I find the room I see it's full of people all ready. As I try to make a quiet entrance the door squeaking gives it all away. Oh my gosh hey boo trinity says hugging me and dragging me over to the group of like six people. Hi everyone I say waving to everyone. Hey everyone says in unison as they go back to their original conversations. As I'm sitting on the couch drinking soda someone had offered me a presence sits next to me. So we meet again the guy says. I guess we do I say quickly trying to not have that conversation tonight. I thought you was like running from me uce I saw you earlier and you just kept walking he says trying to gain eye contact with me. Damn really I didn't even see you I say lying through my teeth. Well yeah you was running so fast he says laughing. Um great match tonight Jey I say changing the subject. Thanks but call me Josh, Jeys only when I'm working I don't like mixing my business with my pleasure he says smirking make me notice he has grills on the bottom half of his teeth. Ugh this man just keep a getting sexier I think as he continues talking. Yo good he says snapping me out of my thoughts. Yeah I'm good I should get going I say getting up from the couch. Didn't you ride here with Mercedes he says. Oh damn I forgot I say sitting back down. Lemme give you a ride he says. I'm not a hoe Je- josh what we had that was a one night thing I have big dreams of being a performer and i can't let anyone stop me I say realizing I was getting really talkative. Hey uce I just offered to give you a ride home not your hand in marriage he says laughing. Oh well I probably shouldn't Mercedes will be worried if I just end of missing I say looking for her in the crowded room. Mercedes that girl been left John says coming over to me. She did what I say confused. Yeah her and her husband were arguing on the phone and I guess he said something she didn't like he says taking a shot of something. Damn I say wondering how I'm going get back home. Guess you driving with me uce YEET Josh says laughing.