Josh Pov Bro what that's so old why's it coming back up I say grabbing Brandis phone from her. I don't know but go talk to her Brandi says before rolling her eyes and dragging Cody out of the room leaving just me and the camera crew. We will handle this in the morning y'all get out I say to the camera crew as they leave and I go straight to sleep.
As I wake up in the morning I smell breakfast so I decide to go downstairs to see the whole group cooking breakfast. Where's Coco I say grabbing my plate very hungover from the last night. I don't know she wasn't here when we woke up Almia says sitting next to Solo. Bro what I say putting my plate down and going to get my phone to go call her. Of course she doesn't answer but I can see her location. So I get dressed to drive to her. Where you going uce John ask as I'm walking out of the door. To get my girl before she throws her ring in the water I say about to leave. I'm coming too Brandi says following behind me.
As me and Brandi get to the wherever Coco was , we walk inside to see Coco sitting in a chair getting her makeup done. Where you been I ask her making her roll her eyes.
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This nigga crazy she says to the guy doing her makeup. Give us a moment I say to everyone making them leave the room besides the cameras still in there. You think cheating is ok she ask standing up and putting her jacket. Who you drive here with I ask her not seeing a car outside. You got friends I got friends she says as she walks out the door. I came all the way here for you uce i says following her outside. Didn't have to she's says just standing on the sidewalk. Come on Coco I say rubbing my beard trying to motion her to my car. No josh I saw you with her she says angrily. Coco it's a old picture my hair was straight back I say pointing to my now colored mullet. Oh she says kinda looking at me. Yeah oh I say before wrapping my arms around her. Well you were acting weird and you know it she says not really wanting to admit she was wrong. I know baby I was drunk out of my mind I say leading her to my car. Yeah she says before getting in the car making me laugh silently. I love you girl i say as I rub her thigh. Thanks she says still annoyed from the incident. Why are we not driving she ask after us just sitting in a standstill in the car. We waiting for Brandi to come out and we waiting for your friend to show up I wanna meet him I say putting my hands up. Your so annoying she says before laughing.
Coco Pov Coco your back Trinity says while me Josh and Brandi walk through the door. Yeah I was getting a YouTube video finished I let a small creator do my makeup I say grabbing a plate of food that was saved for me and sit next to Roman. As we are all talking as a group Roman takes a piece of bacon of my plate and eats it laughing. You know just cause your Tribal chief or whatever doesn't mean I can't take you in a fight over that bacon I say laughing. Lets go Roman says smiling. To the gym i say making the rest of the family look confused. Your girl wants to challenge the Tribal Chief Roman says in disbelief to Josh. This is going be crazy Brandi says laughing.
As we all make it to the training gym I'm all wrapped up and ready to go. Are you crazy Josh ask kinda nervous about the whole thing. Josh I haven't done anything in 8 months let me have some fun I say putting tape under my belly to secure it. Yeah you should be at the resort in the water he says wrapping my fingers. Shut up uce I wanna see this John says while Roman enters the ring. Well wish me luck I say as Solo helps me in the ring and the cameras zoom in on us. Don't hurt my baby uce Josh yells. Ok ready i ask. Have you ever wrestled before he ask stretching. No but I see Josh all the time let's go I say. Solo starts the countdown. 3...2....1.. Solo says as he blows his whistle. As the whistle is blown I sphere Roman right away making him hit one the corners hard. Damn girl I thought we was playing he says before lifting me off the ground about to K.O me. Luckily I have remembered how not to hurt myself in the ring thanks to Josh so I hold my body tight as Roman drops me. UCE Josh yells to Roman. I'm good I say while I struggle getting up but still ready to fight. Ew who peed on the mat John says goofily. Making me and Roman both look down.