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As I get ready for Josh's match I start to get really nervous. You ready Terrell says coming into my makeup room. Yeah I say finishing my final touches. I don't know why we are going to this dumb thing the nigga only wanna talk because he don't wanna be a deadbeat and have you write a book about him Terrell says opening the car door for me to get in. He's a good guy i say putting my lipgloss on as Terrell starts driving. Whatever but if he says something smart to you I'm on his ass he says longing out the s's making me laugh.

As we pull up to the arena fans are lined up waiting for the match. I roll my window down to see if we were at the right building. Oh em gee coco one girl says making a bunch of people come up to the car taking pictures and videos.

Mercedes Pov She always gotta make stuff about her I say as me and trinity sit in Josh's locker room

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Mercedes Pov
She always gotta make stuff about her I say as me and trinity sit in Josh's locker room. Who, trinity ask fixing her hair. Coco I say seeing her take pictures with fans outside the arena through the security cameras. I think she means well she just trying to get a bag like everyone else you know trin says getting her makeup bag. Yeah I love her but she has new priorities now that she's just avoiding she doesn't go to monthly check ups for her kid she doesn't even have a single baby toy picked out or anything it's like she doesn't even care I say. Really Josh says coming out the bathroom connected to his locker room wrapping his fingers for the match. That's just what I know but she could be taking over precautions I say retracting on what I ealier mentioned. I bet he says throwing the extra tape in the trash and walking out to the match. That's not good trin says standing up and grabbing her things. As we talk some more we hear a faint knock on the door. Come in trinity yells as she looks at the door. Hey y'all Coco says with her brother following behind scoping the scenery out. Who you looking for I ask him hugging him and Coco. No one he says quickly. Trinity this is my brother Terrell Coco says moving out the way of the two. Oh my gosh I watch your YouTube videos you are so funny you would love my husband John you and him have the same humor Trinity says practically fangirling. You got any other male family members that are sexy as hell and single Terrell ask making us laugh. I sure do let's go to catering Trinity says grabbing Terrell's hand leaving me and Coco in silence. Cocos my girl and everything but the way she does things just throw me off I think in my head but must've been making a face cause Coco soon says something.

Coco Pov
Is there a problem I ask noticing Mercedes making a face at me. No I was just thinking she says siting up. Oh ok I say looking around my baby daddy's locker room. It's good to see you again she says. Yeah I say quickly knowing she probably didn't mean it. Me and Mercedes haven't been agreeing on things recently at al she's my bestie but I think our time is coming to an end. I'm surprised you showed up she says making me look her direction. Why wouldn't I I was invited I say wondering where she was going with this conversation. Well yeah but it's Monday usually you have shoots or interviews you know she says making me not sense if she was being sarcastic or not. I'm making sacrifices I say wishing my brother would come back with Trinity already. The awkwardness was through the roof and I had no where to go. Have you seen the baby yet she ask. No I haven't, haven't had time I say honestly. We'll time should made for your child's future she says smartly.  And you have kids right I say knowing the answer. No but - she starts to say before I cut her off. Excalty Mercedes I know you think your helping and everything but maybe it would help more if you mind your business I say just as Josh walks back in from the match. Am I interpreting something he ask as Trinity, John , and my brother walk in shortly after him. Nope everything's peachy Mercedes says making me fake smile. We need to talk uce Josh says motioning me over to him as everyone else had their own conversations. What's up I say. What's up we ain't talked in two months how's my kid your almost three months right he ask unwrapping his fingers. Yeah their fine I say back. How would you know your friend told me you ain't been going to no appointments or anything look I don't wanna bother you cause you grown woman but we gotta handle our business you know he says making me roll my eyes internally. I know my body Josh and the baby feels fine I say reassuring him. How do you know tho he ask removing his sweaty main event shirt placing a new one on. I just do I say scanning the room to catch my brothers attention but he's to busy talking to John. Um I still got that extra room for you he says making me look at him. I'm still good with my house thanks tho I say fixing my hair. Why you got this hard act like you can't take help and you do everything yourself he ask curiously. Cause that's the only way stuff gets done Josh now as much as i love this chat I have to go I say squeezing his shoulder. Tomorrow imma be at your house he says while I walk over to get Terrell. Whatever Josh ,Let's go I say to my brother as we walk out of the building. That was fun I say rolling my eyes. I liked them besides the spawn of Satan talking to you in the corner Terrell says as he starts driving.

As we get to the house I'm so exhausted I can barely open my eyes to walk into the house. I fall right to asleep knowing I'm going have a great night.

As the next morning approaches I hear loud knocks on my front door. Who the hell I say getting up putting my robe around me, as I go downstairs I see big 3 balloons filling my living room. Terrell fills the house up with balloons as I reach another month of being pregnant. As I finally reach the front door I'm shocked to see the person standing in front of me.

🎀𝑬𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓🎀

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