Dix- huit

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What is that I ask before my body answers the question itself and making me bend over in pain. Her water Trinity says before Roman and Solo carry me out the ring. You good babe come on Josh ask they help me to the car to drive me to the hospital. I'm fine it's probably a false alarm I say considering I'm only 8 months pregnant still. I don't think so boo Trinitys says rubbing my shoulder.

As we get to the hospital I get a room instantly making me sigh in relief that I can lay down. I knew you should not have been fighting Josh says pacing the room. Did you call my brother I ask him while eating my ice. Yeah I booked the flight he should be down here today Josh says making me remember I have no baby clothes down here cause we're on vacation. Oh my gosh I don't have the baby bag or anything I say frantically. I got it I brought it just in case Josh says before sitting down. Go get it I say kinda yelling as a contraction hits my stomach. Right he says leaving the room.

As I'm still contracting three hours later it's finally go time. Terrell's finally here and the whole vacation group was waiting in the waiting room. You ready babe Josh ask rubbing my sweaty forehead. Yeah I say as I start to push.

After 16 hours of labor, I finally gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Nalani Stormi Fatu. As me and Josh get ready to leave the hospital, there's paparazzi everywhere , as John is wheeling me and baby girl out to the car. How are you feeling about the baby a cameraman ask Josh as he's walking with the baby bag.

I'm feeling good uce Josh says smiling big as I feel like I just ran a marathon

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I'm feeling good uce Josh says smiling big as I feel like I just ran a marathon. As we get back to the resort I pack my bag because I've decided to go back home so I can have the rest of my baby stuff with me. The rest of the group is still enjoying there vacation while me and Terrell are about to drive to the airport. You sure you don't want me to come back home with you Josh ask rubbing my back. Yeah no your fine enjoy the rest of your vacation i say rubbing his beard. Ok he says pushing the stroller out to the Uber waiting for me and Terrell. She's so perfect I say looking at my baby girl.

She look like me he says as he puts the baby in the car, he already knows how to do everything while I'm  not even sure how to put her in the car seat

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She look like me he says as he puts the baby in the car, he already knows how to do everything while I'm not even sure how to put her in the car seat. Ok well I'll see you soon I say as he kisses my cheek and goes back inside.

As we finally land I am so exhausted but Nalani is wide awake. It's been a crazy day I say as Terrell drops us off at Josh's house. Yep well call me if you need anything he says helping me bring the bags to my room. Yeah we'll be fine I say hugging him and grabbing my baby from the stroller and putting her on the bed. Ok bye he says hurrying out cause he doesn't really like kids and Nalani cried the whole flight. As I unpack Nalani falls asleep so I have extra time to put my clothes away , as I'm folding clothes I hear movement from the bed so I go check on Lani to see her wide awake rolling around. Hey baby I say taking a picture of her.

Your so happy I say grabbing her and getting in the bed rocking her so she can go to sleep ,but I don't know if it's because she slept so much but she would not go back to sleep

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Your so happy I say grabbing her and getting in the bed rocking her so she can go to sleep ,but I don't know if it's because she slept so much but she would not go back to sleep.

It was now five in the morning and she was still wide awake. Come on why are you not going to sleep I say rocking her barely keeping my own eyes open. Just as I say that she soon starts crying. No I say while I start crying as well so we're both up now crying. I don't know what she wants I say as I call Terrell. Is she hungry he says on the phone. No she just ate I say wiping my tears. Girl just call Josh and tell him to catch the fastest flight down here he has two kids he must know something Terrell says. No I can't I don't want to worry him I say. Just as I'm on the phone I hear the front door open. Someone just walked in I say whispering.

🎀𝑬𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓🎀

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