Side Story: [REDACTED]

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AN: This one is going to be a different one as the name implies.

"Squad 1 have you retrieved her yet?"

A Savra male looked over his shoulder hearing the communication from his comms device. He spotted the individual in question who was still out cold at the current moment. She was being carried piggyback by one of his squad members after they had tracked her down to one of the surrounding buildings.

He brought a finger to his earpiece and replied, "Yes ma'am she's been retrieved and has been stabilized, 1-3 is carrying her as we speak. Additionally, we have almost arrived at the combat area to report the status."

"Understood 1-1 continue with your current tasking. But remember that we have little time left before local authorities arrive so do try to expedite your progress." Came the curt response.


Letting go of his earpiece he turned to the rest of his squad, "Well, you heard the lady, let's make this quick if we can. We don't want to linger for too long now that the entire city is awake."

One of the three other squad members spoke up, "Alright lead, but do remind me why exactly we need to check it out in the first place? It's not like anyone could've survived... Whatever the hell happened over there." The squad leader turned to his subordinate who was giving him sass.

The subordinate in question was a female Kuranta, and like the rest of the squad, her features were mostly covered up by her outfit. She wore a lightweight combat uniform that was the outfit of choice for the operation, which consisted primarily of leather padding and cloth. Only a few of them had been issued medium or heavy outfits as it was deemed unnecessary given the operation.

Composed entirely of blacks and greys it made observing and monitoring easier at night. Additionally, due to the lack of heavier armor, their movement wouldn't be as impeded which in turn meant escaping detection easier.

The Savra turned to the Kuranta about to scold her when another squad member intervened, "Why are you complaining Sierra? You're not the one hauling around somebody on your back." They said with a thick Ursan accent.

Said member, 1-3, had now begun to stare daggers at Sierra or 1-4. 1-3 was a Ursus male who practically towered over the rest of the squad. The lightweight uniform fitting his large form tightly. Which was something that he had expressed his displeasure about many a time already.

"Quit your whinging Lev you're the only one out of the 4 of us that could carry her for a prolonged period, remember?." Sierra quickly retorted.

1-2 entered the conversation now as well, "Would you two stop your bickering already? You heard 1-1 let's get moving again."

1-2 was a shorter Vouivre male, his long almost whip-like deep blue tail flicked back and forth in an irritated manner.

"Cool your jets Al there's no need to get into a hissy fit." The remark from the female Kuranta immediately got a retort from him.

"How many times must I remind you that my name is Allan? And for the love of god don't use it during an operation 1-4. At least try to remain professional..."

The Kuranta shifted her weight and placed a hand on her hip, "Yeah sure whatever you say Al."

1-2 was now also staring daggers at the female member of their squad. But of course, she was entirely nonplussed by the two individuals who were less than pleased with her behavior.

"That's enough all of you just shut up and get moving again." The older Savra ordered. Having been a veteran of the organization for many years he had long ago figured out how to deal with the newer members who always seemed to believe that they had something to prove...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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